Final Tank Setup


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
FYI, I tried to save these pictures with a bit of editing, but here is the new look for the tank:

New Clothes for the Tank.jpg
New Clothes for the Tank 2.0.jpg
My Raphs like the little cave I made and my other fish seem to like the abundance of hiding places as they are now out more.

Let me know what you think!


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
The Final Version, back in December, left a bit to be desired. The other Final Versions, MkII through to MkVI, were sometimes improvements but sometimes backslides. I think that MkIII was probably your worst work...just dumped the stuff straight out of a bucket? MkIV was a huge step up, but this latest one...MkVI, or is it MkVII? a smash home run, just beautiful.

I'll admit I started to get confused in the MkV range; there were a couple in there that might not really deserve complete separate classifications, maybe should have been MkV.1, MkV.2, etc. but that's just semantics. 🤔 It's currently at its best, by far. :thumbsup:

I look forward to next week's edition! :)


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
The Final Version, back in December, left a bit to be desired. The other Final Versions, MkII through to MkVI, were sometimes improvements but sometimes backslides. I think that MkIII was probably your worst work...just dumped the stuff straight out of a bucket? MkIV was a huge step up, but this latest one...MkVI, or is it MkVII? a smash home run, just beautiful.

I'll admit I started to get confused in the MkV range; there were a couple in there that might not really deserve complete separate classifications, maybe should have been MkV.1, MkV.2, etc. but that's just semantics. 🤔 It's currently at its best, by far. :thumbsup:

I look forward to next week's edition! :)
This one would be my 8th (at least that y'all have seen, more like 12th lol). So to clarify, MkVIII

I definitely agree, there was a lot of awkward space with my previous designs. I think this one is the most professional I've done. The others look like a teenager did them :ROFL:


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
Another Update:

I've been doing some small edits to the above aquascape, I honestly really like the look, so I don't want to change it to much. However, I've decided some plants just look a little too fake, and I'm going to remove some of them. I will replace them, probably with more of the realistic plants. I'm also thinking about adding some more rocks.

I have found one unfortunate flaw with the design, it hoards a lot of debris, meaning I have to clean the tank more frequently now, which isn't necessarily bad, but it does mean more maintenance. However, I'm ok with that, I probably need to do more maintenance anyways.

I've also being thinking about adding one or two more fish to really finish off my setup. Not 100% certain what kind yet, but I'm thinking about it.


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
Another update:

Soon, I'm hoping to go to the store and grab some more plants and maybe some more driftwood. I may also get another rock or two to break and add more detail. After seeing some of the maximalist tanks on MD Fish Tank's YouTube channel, I think that's the route I want to take. I know y'all are going to think I'm a nut for saying this, but I'm thinking I might get rid of my two gouramis. My rationale behind this is that they are the only two fish that I have that are Asian in nationality, so if I removed them, I would have a pure SA tank, then I could get an EBA or something as the final touch to the tank, and I'll be done with it. Yes, I know I'm going completely against what I said in my 10 gallon thread, but I promise after this, I will stop the back and forth to the fish store.

For now, that is all. I will post pictures hopefully by this weekend.