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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 16, 2023
It might be okay, my experience leads me to suggest against it but as I said you could risk it especially since your own experiences have been different. So, the goldfish are currently kept in 80 degree temps? If so, you can try it but, if possible, increase oxygenation as the new fish will of course decrease what's available for the goldfish. You again have to err on the side of caution as Gourami's don't like a lot of current, but surface agitation is the best means AFAIK of increasing gas exchange and dissolved oxygen levels. And of course, monitor the parameters due to the increased bioload. I also don't know if the Goldfish will find the Gourami's pelvic fins specifically tempting.
The gourami pelvic fin/goldfish is a big worry for me as my female opaline only has 1 left and a quarter of the other


MFK Member
Mar 16, 2008
New Jersey
Wouldn't it be better to house the goldfish in ideal conditions? If they are healthy now great, but what about living their full lifespan without disease?

And all those other diverse species you have as well?

Crabro (a.k.a bumblebees and hornets) are aggressive even for mbuna, not all that attractive as adults (solid brown) and I would return them at least.


Feeder Fish
May 22, 2024
I just recently bought 8 black bumblebee cichlids 2 inches, 2 convict cichlids 3 inches, 1 pink kissing gourami 5 inches, and 1 opaline gourami 5 inches from someone off market place he had them all together which i thought was weird as there water conditions were ridiculously below par, i just noticed today that the opaline has a missing streamer and a bite out of her right fin and the pink kissing one has a torn tail fin aswell had them for about a week and the tear, bite, and missing streamer are all new, my question is are the two gourami able to be housed with my comets, and black Moore goldfish temporarily seeing as both gourami seem super chill and peaceful? Ps: my albino Senegal bichir 5 inches seems fine he ignores them all and the cichlids avoid him
I don’t think its a good idea to add the gourami to the gold fish tank. The goldfish for sure will suffer from this. Compatibility issues are quite high in this case. The slow swimming nature of gold fish make them more vulnerable to attacks from the gourami.