
  1. PGJE


    Are these copepods?
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    Super Sale on Pods You Can Actually SEE ...... Yum Yum Yum said your Fish!

    Super Sale on Pods You Can Actually SEE ...... Yum Yum Yum said your Fish! Our Pods are a mixture of Amphipods and Copepods & These Pods you can SEE swimming in the bag. You will Love them, your fish will Love them and this Buy 1000 Get 1000 for FREE is a great way to get them seeded in your...
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    Last Day for This Dollar Deal

    250 Pods - Only 1 Buck At AquariumDepot
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    Happy Thanksgiving - We start the BF Fun Now - Pods - Only $.99

    Happy Thanksgiving - We start the BF Fun Now - Pods - Only $.99 Sweet Deals - Copepods for Sale - Only $.99 for 250 Pods Plus New Corals & Bright Rock Anemones + 50% Off Your Choice! Check Out this Cool Decorator Crab Video
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    Final Day - Copepod Sale @

    Final Day - Copepod Sale @ Copepods are classified as a Carbon Sink - which is defined as an organism that consumes more carbon than it leaves behind - No Carbon Emissions from Copepods Folks!! WIN WIN!! Copepods will improve the health of your tank in the role...
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    Starting the Holiday with Food -- They Want to E.A.T. ....... So Feed 'em

    Starting the Holiday with Food -- They Want to E.A.T. ....... So Feed 'em The All Time Saltwater Fish Food Favorite of most fish is copepods and amphipods. And we have a treat for them!! When You Buy 1000 Pods - we will give you an Extra 1000 Pods for FREE! Our Live Copepods are the Best...
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    Did You See These Saltwater Plants

    An Awesome Assortment of Saltwater Plants - Sweet Pack with 6 Macro Algaes + 1000 Copepods So whether you are into a planted tank or a coral tank - we have just what you are looking for - from Zoanthids to Macro Algae, Inverts to Live Food for Picky eaters. Check this cool little porcelain crab -
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    Happy Veterans Day - Awesome Corals & More at Huge Savings - Let Us Never Forget!

    Happy Veterans Day - Awesome Corals & More at Huge Savings - Let Us Never Forget! is celebrating Veterans Day today with a HUGE sale on the Entire Site! Let us Never Forget! The site is filled with a huge variety of inverts like turbo snails and crabs - from things you need...