
  1. Jush

    Sumatra vs Borneo

    Hello, I've read all the threads on Sumatra vs Borneo in the past & really come away with nothing other than wild adult Datnoid photo comparisons which aren't really beneficial when trying to determine if what I am trying to purchase within the UK Fish Shops at 3-5" is actually Sumatra or...
  2. N

    Datnoid stability in a group?

    Recently bought 4 nice 3 bar IT datnoids around 5-6”. Keeping them in a 180 gal. Two are very active and stable, and two are less stable and like to hide on their side in the corners or behind the heater/filter tubes. I don’t see a lot of aggression, maybe a little chasing now and then. Any...
  3. adamjavaguy

    Please id cichild

    Help to id this cichild. Cought at central java indonesia in small stream deep in the forest. Theres a lot of them I think they have breed here.