New BP owner - I am chicken of the Sea!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 20, 2024
its nothing to be embarassed about. We learn with time and grow out of our fears. Reminds me the time when i was scared of mollies, can you imagine, mollies!
But now i easily put my hand inside a pond with a massive pacu with teeth. He likes to be petted too!
i actually compliment you for doing your research before doing the unknown. A lot of people get themselves injured doing things they aren't fully aware of or have no knowlege of them. Keep up the good work
Thanks AR1 AR1 - LOL thanks for your admission on mollies, that made me smile. Not sure you could pay me to put my hand in a tank with a pacu but kudos to you for having that kind of relationship! So many people say “it’s just a fish” - you clearly take wet pets to a new level!!


MFK Member
Jan 27, 2023
kingdom of saudi arabia, riyadth
Thanks .avatar--xss { width: 21px; height: 21px; line-height: 21px !important; margin-right: 2px; } AR1 AR1 @AR1 - LOL thanks for your admission on mollies, that made me smile.
glad to here that!
Not sure you could pay me to put my hand in a tank with a pacu but kudos to you for having that kind of relationship!
i was very afraid at first and so was my pacu. Every time i would enter the room the pacu it would splash about a quarter of the pool's water at me, going nuts. That would nearly give me a heart attack, lol.It took about 6 months for me to get used to my pacu and for it to get used to me. Now we are inseparable!
So many people say “it’s just a fish” - you clearly take wet pets to a new level!!
Thanks a lot! i have this pacu for more than a year now and it has been growing like a weed, about 1.5 foot now. I would never ever abandon it!
Most people don't like pacus due to their dull coloration. However they are very intelligent fish with a lot of personality.
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