Stock list as of 10/14/13


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jul 8, 2005
New Jersey
I know my site has been frustratingly difficult to bring up lately. I thought the transfer was initiated before I began travels a few weeks ago. My apologies for the difficulties of accessing a simple fish site.

Godaddy here I come! For the next 24-48 hours (or however long it takes for site to point to new server), there is no stock list immediately available to refer at web site address.

Below is what's cooking right now.

Due later this week: Cichla orinocensis sm-md and temensis md-lg, Cichlasoma ornatum md and atromaculatum md-lg, Caq. umbrifera md, black arowana lg, flagtails md-lg, blue phantom plecos lg, Crenicichla lenticulata md-lg
I will post new arrivals upon arrival.

Phone: (908) 387-9858 Fax: (908) 387-9859 email:


(total length in inches) (in US $) (wild cichlids include the word ‘wild’ in description;
otherwise they are ‘cb’ or captive bred)


Aequidens metae 1.5” 7.50 or 6 @ 6.50 ea. F1 cb juveniles now available
“ “ 2.5-3” 12.50 or 5 @ 10.00 ea. F1 grow outs already displaying characteristic red and yellow color
“ “ 4-4.5” 25.00 F1 fully colored young adults of seldom seen, highly attractive Colombian acara
“ tetramerus ‘Colombia’ 2-2.5” 8.50 or 6 @ 7.50 F1 Colombian acaras; brilliant gold/green as adult w/ ornate fins
“ tetramerus ‘Peru’ 2.5-3” 12.50 or 5 @ 10.00 ea. wild Peru acara; matures into iridescent green adult w/ red throat
Andinoacara aequinoctialis 3-3.5” 15.00 ‘gold suam’ or ‘Ecuador green terror’-great chunky size, red trimmed fins, and brilliant color!
Astronotus ocellatus ‘Araguaia’ 5” 35.00 wild ‘Rio Araguaia’ juveniles of extremely rarely imported oscar
“ ocellatus ‘gold oscar’ 10” 75.00 gorgeous adults of super size and bright color! Non-hormone/no dyes; real bright ‘gold oscars’
“ “ “ “ 11-12” 250.00 pr one jumbo breeding pair of gold oscars-a very rare offer!
“ ocellatus ‘Marajo’ 6-7” 75.00 or 2 @ 70.00 ea. lg wild oscars from Marajo Island, Brazil-bright red spots w/ blk bars!
“ cf. ocellatus ‘Bahia red tail oscar’ 5-6” 28.00 or 4 @ 25.00 ea. remarkably unique, F1 red-tailed wild-form Bahia, Brazil oscars
Bujurquina sp. ‘Para, Brazil’4-4.5” 35.00 extremely rare import of wild acara from Para state, Brazil-only one male available
Caquetaia kraussi 4-4.5” 28.00 or 4 @ 25.00 ea. F1 large grow outs of green and orange, lg mouthed predator; prs available
“ spectabilis 1.5” 10.00 or 6 @ 8.50 ea. F1 Rio Tapajos juveniles of incredibly beautiful, blue spangled Brazilian gem
“ “ 2-2.5” 15.00 or 4 @ 12.50 ea. chunky grow outs of F1 Rio Tapajos ‘specs’
“ umbrifera 1.5” 7.50 or 6 @ 6.50 ea. F1 ‘Rio Magdalena blue umbies’-spectacular as adults!
“ “ 2-2.5” 12.50 limited # of F1 juveniles of next size up available
“ umbrifera ‘blue guerillas’ 1.25-1.5” 12.50 juveniles of darker colored western Colombian variant
Cichla monoculus 2.5-3” 18.00 captive bred ‘Peru monoculus bass’-md growing, attractively-colored red fins
‘Cichlasoma’ festae 1” 10.00 or 6 @ 8.50 ea. real ‘Ecuador red terror’ – juveniles now available
“ “ 1.5-2” 20.00 very limited # of next size up juveniles to offer
Cleithracara maronii 1.5-2” 7.50 or 6 @ 6.50 ea. cb ‘keyhole cichlids’-a peaceful. perennial favorite for sm. community tank
Crenicichla anthurus 4.5-5.5” 45.00 or 2 @ 40.00 ea. highly spangled & very colorful wild Peruvian pikes
“ regani 2-3” 18.00 or 4 @ 15.00 ea. stunning lg cb Tapajos regani pikes – eating flakes daily!
“ reticulata 5-6” 60.00 pr wild Peru pike w/ bold diagonal bands, deep yellow/orange body, ornate dorsal on female
“ sveni 3-4” 12.50 or 4 @ 10.00 ea. wild Colombian marbled gold pikes; md growing and breedable in tanks
“ sp. ‘Atabapo ll’ 8-9” 40.00 or 2 @ 35.00 ea. very impressive size on brick red pike sporting vertical black bars
“ sp. ‘Tapajos ‘red’ 5-6” 150.00 or 2 @ 140.00 ea. wild solid deep red/orange Tapajos pikes-very long time no see! Pellet trained
“ “ “ 7-8” 175.00 or 2 @ 160.00 ea. next size up on incredible red Tapajos pikes-stunning show fish! Pellet trained
Geophagus abalios 3-3.5” 18.00 or 4 @ 15.00 ea. wild Colombian earth eaters-lg growing, very colorful; impressive show species
“ pindare 6-7” 75.00 one jumbo full-grown adult of incredibly colored and seldom seen Brazilian earth eater
“ winemilleri 3-4” 35.00 F1 spectacular lg growing earth eaters! Bright ylw stripes w/ red eyes & fins
“ sp. ‘red head Tapajos’ 2-2.5” 12.50 or 5 @ 10.00 ea. F1 grow outs of brightly colored ‘red head Geo’-md growing, mild temperament
“ sp. ‘red head Tapajos’ wild 4-5” 75.00 gorgeous large wild adults in stunning color and top condition
Guianacara stergiosi 2.5-3” 15.00 highly requested, captive bred Venezuelan ‘bandit earth eater’
Heroina isonycterina 1.5” 10.00 F1 juveniles of unique and spectacular, md growing, new/rare import now available
“ “ 2-2.5” 15.00 next size up on F1 chunky juvenile grow outs
Heros severus 1.5-2” 12.50 F1 Orinoco ‘red spotted mouth brooding severums’
“ “ 3.5-4.5” 25.00 or 4 @ 22.00 ea. wild caught adolescents of Orinoco ‘red spotted mouth brooding severums’
“ “ 5.5-7” 40.00 or 4 @ 35.00 ea. jumbo wild adults – very impressive Orinoco ‘red spotted mouth brooding severums’
Hoplarchus psittacus 7-7.5” 75.00 or 2 @ 70.00 ea. wild adults of very showy, large growing, blue/green ‘Colombian parrot cichlids’
Hypselecara coryphaenoides 3-3.5” 35.00 wild lg juveniles of rarely collected and distinctly unique ‘Orinoco chocolate cichlid’
Krobia xinguensis 1-1.25” 7.50 juveniles of highly attractive ‘orange Xingu acara’-mild mannered, grows to only 5”
Satanoperca daemon 3”+/- 20.00 or 4 @ 17.50 ea. wild Orinoco daemon! Highly impressive earth eater; develops long, flowing extensions on fins
“ jurupari 2.5-3” 8.50 or 6 @ 7.50 ea. wild Orinoco earth eater known for profusely spangled muzzle-seldom offered, very beautiful
“ “ 3.5-4” 12.50 next size up on wild Orinoco gems displaying greater extent of characteristic adult spangling
Symphysodon aequifasciatus 5” 150 or 275 pr ‘Lake Maica, Santarem red’ discus-wild red adults w/ ornate blue vermiculations
“ discus 5” 150 or 275 pr Uatama ‘Urucara’ red heckel discus-wild adults w/ horizontal blue on red body
Tahuantinsuyoa macanzatza 2-2.5” 18.00 or 4 @ 15.00 ea. wild ‘Inca stone fish’-highly attractive, rarely offered colorful Peru acara


Amatitlania sp. ‘calico convict’ 1.5” 7.50 or 6 @ 6.50 ea. attractively marked ‘marbled’ or ‘calico convicts’
“ cf. siquia ‘Honduran redpoint’ 2.5-3” 15.00 or 4 @ 12.50 ea. highly colorful Rio Danli ‘Honduran convicts’- beautiful blue body w/ red fins
“ cf. siquia ‘Honduran redpoint-leucistic’ 1” 7.50 or 6 @ 6.50 ea. leucistic or ‘platinum’ variation of Hond. RP: high shine pearl-colored body-very beautiful little cichlid!
Amphilophus citrinellus 3-3.5” 15.00 tank bred of bright red/orange, stocky TUIC Nicaraguan stock
“ “ 4-4.5” 20.00 adolescent grow outs of home grown Nicaraguan midas cichlids
“ “ 5-5.5” 28.00 super sized grow outs of TUIC imported Nicaraguan ‘midas cichlid’ stock
“ labiatus 2-2.5” 10.00 or 6 @ 8.50 ea. true ‘red devils’ of tank bred Lake Nicaragua stock
“ “ 3-3.5” 15.00 or 5 @ 12.50 ea. chunky grow outs of tank bred Nicaraguan ‘red devil’
“ “ 4-4.5” 20.00 or 4 @ 17.50 ea. adolescent captive bred Nicaraguan ‘red devils’; coloring up nicely
“ “ 5-5.5” 28.00 or 3 @ 25.00 ea. lg adolescents available of captive bred true Nicaraguan ‘red devils’
“ “ 6-7” 35.00 impressive young adults – largest size available
“ lyonsi 1.5” 7.50 or 6 @ 6.50 ea. juves from my giant lyonsi pair! less aggressive & showy species
“ “ 2-2.5” 10.00 or 5 @ 8.50 ea. next size up on chunky juveniles beginning to display characteristic red color
“ “ 3-3.5” 15.00 largest, most colorful grow outs I have from beautifully colored, huge pair
“ sagittae – colored 3-3.5” 15.00 F2 juves of exclusive TUIC import! open water predatory Lago Xiloa endemic
“ “ “ 4-4.5” 20.00 or 4 @ 17.50 ea. chunky grow outs all turned color now-bred from F1 white/orange pair
“ “ “ 5-5.5” 28.00 super sized, brightly colored adolescent grow outs of exclusive TUIC import
Astatheros robersoni 2-2.5” 12.50 or 4 @ 10.00 ea. beautifully blue colored cb Yucatan gems
‘Cichlasoma’ istlanum ‘red’ 8-9” 150.00 jumbo sized males with fin streamers and incredible glowing colors
Cryptoheros myrnae 1.5” 12.50 or 5 @ 10.00 ea. highly sought after, very colorful, md growing, cb ‘endangered in wild’ species
“ spilurus 1.5-2” 12.50 or 5 @ 10.00 ea. beautiful sky blue body on seldom offered ‘jade eye cichlids’
Herichthys carpintis ‘Vontehillo’ 1.5-2” 7.50 or 6 @ 6.50 ea. lg turquoise pearls on colorful population known as ‘Vontehillo’
“ cyanoguttatus 1” 7.50 F2 Santa Tecla juveniles of true ‘Texas cichlids’-covered in tiny silver spangling w/ purple eyes
“ tamosopoensis 1.5-2” 8.50 or 6 @ 7.50 ea. F1 Rio Tamosopo – attractive green body with gold spangles
Hypsophrys (formerly Neetroplus) nematopus 1” 7.50 F1 juveniles of stock I collected in Rio Grande de Matagalpa, Nicaragua
“ “ 4-4.5” 25.00 jumbo F1 Lake Nicaragua high profiled male available
Parachromis managuensis 8-10” 80.00 wild Rio Panama, Nicaragua; boldly marked jaguar cichlids w/ visible teeth! Prs avail
Paraneetroplus ‘formerly Paratheraps & Vieja species’
“ breidohri 1.5-2” 12.50 ‘Presa de Augustora’ very impressive, highly desirable juves of showy species
“ synspilus 3-3.5” 18.00 or 4 @ 15.00 ea. brilliantly colored, very showy race red heads in chunky md size
Petenia splendida 2.5-3” 7.50 or 6 @ 6.50 ea. ‘red bay snook’- menacing appearance, yet mild mannered temperament
“ “ 7-8” 25.00 or 2 @ 22.00 ea. ‘red bay snook’- young adults of solid bright orange/red color
Rocio octofasciatus 1.5-2” 7.50 or 6 @ 6.50 ea. juves. of brilliant blue-spangled body/red belly Chiapas ‘jack dempsey’


Hemichromis elongatus 4-4.5” 20.00 or 2 @ 17.50 ea large and colorful grow outs of feisty ‘5 spot jewels’
Pelmatochromis buttekoferi 2-3” 12.50 or 5 @ 10.00 ea. seldom offered, cb very attractive/colorful red & yellow West African treat
Ptychochromis sp. ‘Tarantsy’ 3-4.5” 50.00 pr or 65.00 trio adults of ornate finned, ‘oligocanthus-like’ undescribed Madagascar rarity
Steatocranus casuarius 2-2.5” 12.50 or 5 @ 10.00 ea. cb juves of impressively hump-headed ‘buffalo heads’
Tilapia mariae 2-2.5” 8.50 or 6 @ 7.50 ea. F1 juves of gorgeous W. African w/ pink belly/sides + ylw & blk bars
“ “ 3-3.5” 12.50 or 5 @ 10.00 ea. F1 grow outs available displaying bold ylw/blk bands
“ “ 4-4.5” 18.00 or 4 @ 15.00 ea. F1 young adults of mature coloration
“ “ 5-6” 25.00 F1 large adults of very impressive size and color!


Atractosteus spatula 12” 100.00 cb ‘alligator gar’- boldly patterned, super impressive pellet eater; apt to become monster-sized prehistoric show specimen
Distichodus sexfasciatus 4-4.5” 50.00 very ornate, orange/black barred lg growing species
Eleotris picta 10-12” 125.00 or 2 @ 115.00 ea. very large and beefy, extremely impressive marbled/bicolor (chameleon) gobies from Colombia!
Erythrinus erythrinus 6” 50.00 red hifin wolf fish of great size and color
Hypsibarbus wetmorei 2.5-3” 12.50 seldom offered ‘lemon barb’; a 10” growing gold finned barb
Limia tridens 1-1.5” 5 lot @ 40.00 lot wild Dominican Republic collected livebearers
Lutjanus griseus 6” 100.00 very rare offer! one Caribbean snapper collected from freshwater river in Trinidad and maintained in fresh water
Metynnis argenteus 2-2.5” 10.00 or 6 @ 8.50 ea. wild Colombia silver dollars-highly polished, unblemished silver sided with red anal fin-very sharp in school
Myloplus rubripinnis 3-3.5” 20.00 or 4 @ 17.50 ea. Orinoco ‘red hook silver dollars’ already displaying impressive maroon hooked anal fin
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum 5-6” 65.00 or 2 @ 60.00 ea. wild Colombian silver arowanas; very sharp at chunky/grow out size
Piaractus brachypomus ‘albino’ 10-12” 150.00 1st US imported, largest size offered of ‘albino pacu’
Potamotrygon motoro ‘Orinoco marbles’ 8-10” 350.00 select top grade wild Orinoco motoros – males, fems, pairs available
Poecilia gilli 1.5-2” 8.50 or 6 @ 7.50 ea. wild juveniles of lg growing, red-finned, orange spotted Nicaraguan molly
Probarbus labeamajor 3-4” 35.00 or 3 @ 30.00 ea. rare import! Lg growing, red eyes/fins, blk horizontal stripes, substrate sifting unique barbs
Roeboides guatemalensis 3-4” 15.00 or 4 @ 12.50 ea. uniquely shaped Nicaraguan ‘hump backed predatory characin’-grows to about 7”
Spinibarbus denticulatus 7-8” 50.00 or 3 @ 45.00 ea. rarely imported ‘Phoenix barbs’-highly impressive show fish!


Baryancistrus beggini 2.5-3” 40.00 or 3 @ 35.00 ea. L239 ‘blue Panaque’ plecos – midnight blue body with royal blue fins
Batroglanis raninus 7-8” 100.00 or 2 @ 90.00 ea. md growing (to 8”) ‘bumblebee jelly cats’-attractive & seldom imported
Centrodoras brachiatus 7-8” 125.00 or 2 @ 115.00 ea. rarely imported; sm qty avail of very distinctive ‘prehistoric show cat’
Glyptopericthys gibbiceps ‘albino’ 5-6” 40.00 super impressive red eyed/bright white albino sailfin plecos
Hemiancistrus subviridis ‘green phantom’ 5-6” 50.00 or 2 @ 45.00 ea. L200 ‘green phantom pleco’ – very impressive in jumbo size
Hypancistrus sp. ‘mega clown’ 2-2.5” 28.00 L340 ‘mega clown plecos’-intricately and boldly ornate, excellent to breed
“ sp. ‘king tiger’ 3.5-4” 75.00 L066 adult ‘king tiger plecos’ of super size-awesome breeders!
Leporacanthicus heterodon 5-6” 85.00 seldom seen Rio Xingu ‘golden vampire pleco’-a very sharp pleco indeed!
Megalodoras uranoscopas 3-3.5” 40.00 or 2 @ 35.00 ea. formerly ‘irwini’-attractively marked epitome of ‘prehistoric cats’
“ “ 5.5-7” 75.00 or 2 @ 70.00 ea. next size up on lg growing, heavily spiked, gentle giant cats
Panaque cf. nigrolineatus 5-6” 40.00 L330 ‘watermelon royal plecos’ decorated w/ stripes above, spots below
“ cf. cochliodon ‘blue eye Panaque’ 10-12” 450.00 XL Colombian show ‘blue eyes’ w/ caudal streamers, heavy odontal growth on pectoral fins & long interopercular spines!
Peckoltia braueri 3.5-4” 65.00 or 2 @ 60.00 ea. L305 unmistakably charming; ornate maze head pattern w/ orange/blk striped fins
“ sabaji 2.5-3” 28.00 or 3 @ 25.00 ea. L75 highly ornate, md growing, resembles ‘Syno. decorus’ w/ tall dorsal
Pseudacanthicus cf. leopardus 4-5” 100.00 or 2 @ 90.00 ea. LDA7, L114 ‘redfin leopard cactus pleco’-brilliant red on all fins!
Pseudorinelepis sp. L152 ‘pineapple pleco’ 4-5” 35.00 L152 - unusual pleco easily recognized by remarkably lg plates covering body
“ L95 ‘orange cheek/orange fin’ 10-11” 225.00 L95 - jumbo size of incredibly gorgeous L95! Formerly known as ‘Ps. genibarbus’
Tatia aulopygia 3-4” 25.00 or 2 @ 22.00 ea. rarely imported; striking jet black top side w/ bright white belly/throat


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jul 8, 2005
New Jersey
yes I do - up to around 3.5" size
Please email me directly at to inquire about ordering.
Thanks very much for your inquiry.

You have any male green terrors ?

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