clean up crew

  1. B

    Tank mates for silver arowana

    I've got a 4foot by 3foot tank with a silver arowana about 10 inch maybe a little more and a black ghost knife fish about 11inch and a common pleco I'd like some fish to stir up my sand substrate alittle more but obviously can't add Corydora as my arowana will eat them any ideas appreciated its...
  2. Liam515

    Fish suggestions

    I have a 40 gallon breeder tank I am going to use for my red ear slider and bottom dwelling turtle as a temporary tank for a good while since there small and I want to get a softshell or musk turtles for it too eventually. But I need fish suggestion on what fish and clean up crew to put in it!
  3. A Clean Up Crew - 80 Critters Shipped FREE Clean Up Crew - 80 Critters Shipped FREE 3 Crews On Sale - - Under 50 Bucks - Check them all out here: AquariumDepot Saltwater Clean Up Crew We had multiple requests for reduced shipping for our Pods and Plants - we are now offering USPS shipping for ONLY $9.99 on Pods &...
  4. A

    New & Awesome - Corals in the 10 Buck Bin + New Corals to Love (Pics Included)

    New & Awesome - Corals in the 10 Buck Bin + New Corals to Love (Pics Included) Check Out the Coral Bin - Love the Coral Love the Price - Shipping for Christmas - There is Still time for delivery on Friday Visit AquariumDepot