
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 14, 2007
Deep South Texas
Check out the new acquisitions... They are legal and legit before anyone asks. I will post more as the project progresses. This is what knowning the right people, and making good impressions get you!

What am I?



The turtles in the bottom I can't tell from the photo but the top two photos look like Bog Turtles (Glyptemys muhlenbergii)...[FONT=arial,sans-serif][SIZE=-1][/SIZE][/FONT]
First is a male bog turtle (dont fell like remenbaring the name and already has been posted:D) and the bottom are a cople of big head turtles Platysternon megacephalum;) Thouse are very nice and rare aquisions. Make shure you put thouse both to breed, the world needs more babys of both, they are too rare to be kept as pets
Bog Turtles are CITES I endangered species. You dont have to know big shots or make good impressions all you have to do is live in a state where a legal breeder exists and purchase one. I assume TX has a liscensed class 1 bog breeder because if that turtle is from FL and you shipped it to TX its a violation etc..I dont see the point of having a male without a female around. Its an Endangered species you have a responsibility to breed it if your going to own one.

Congrats on an awesome very rare turtle.
RARE AFISHINADO;2993718; said:
Bog Turtles are CITES I endangered species. You dont have to know big shots or make good impressions all you have to do is live in a state where a legal breeder exists and purchase one. I assume TX has a liscensed class 1 bog breeder because if that turtle is from FL and you shipped it to TX its a violation etc..I dont see the point of having a male without a female around. Its an Endangered species you have a responsibility to breed it if your going to own one.

Congrats on an awesome very rare turtle.

Valid points I have seen the same happen with Varanus Griseus