can anyone shed any light on this? found it on shark ray central.
The basic formula comes from a couple of sources -
Most notable are from "Chemical Oceanography" by Frank Millero, and Mattiej's Salt Recipe that he posted on a couple other aquatic forums nearly 3 years ago.
Mattiej's version is based on 25 gallons. As opposed to the Frank Millero's version which is based on about a liter.
For this Board, I will quote Mattiej's version. Since it's the easiest to understand, and use.
2350 g - sodium chloride (NaCl)
500 g - magnesium chloride (MgCl)
400 g - magnesium sulfate (MgSO4)
110 g - calcium chloride (CaCl)
66 g - potassium chloride (KCl)
20 g - sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
2 g - strontium chloride (SrCl)
With smaller amounts of various trace elements.
Note: Mattiej uses a 1 capful of Kent Marine Essential Elements - to cover the trace elements.
The Sources:
NaCl - water softener salt
MgCl - ice melter at Hardware/Home supply stores - (i.e. Lowe's/Home Depot)
MgSO4 - Epsoms salt at local grocery or drug store
CaCl2 - another ice melter at hardware/home supply stores
KCl - solar salt - called pipe safe at hardware/home supply stores
NaHCO3 - baking soda (local grocery store)
SrCl2 Kent Marine Turbo Strontium - LFS or online
The Kent Marine Essential Elements - but can be substituted for any full spectrum additive to cover these trace elements.
The Directions - are as follow mix above amounts with 25 gallons of RO water & aerate fo at least 24 hours. The result will be a salinity of about 31-32 ppt or a specific gravity of about 1.023-1.024, with a pH of 8.1. If you want a slightly higher pH - then a little more Sodium Bicarbonate(baking soda).
Also note: To buy all those chemicals - adds up to about 5-8 cents per gallon. Compared with name brand Aquarium salt mixes - which run about 20-33 cents per gallon