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Monster Fish without home - 220 gal tank explodes!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 1, 2006
So I have good news and bad news. The bad news is, my 220 gallon tank exploded last week. Thankfully I was home when it happened. I was upstairs and heard a snap, then the sound of rushing water on the ground floor. I rushed down, and the whole tank was empty, fish everywhere, and a 6’ by 1’ piece of glass 5’ away! Gravel everywhere, and 4” of water everywhere too. This was my large community tank, 2 large Oscars, 3 Columbian Sharks, 1 Sev, 5 Parrots, 2 Silver Dollars, 2 Juruparis and a 13” Pleco! I cut myself while picking up a bunch of the fish – but all I could think about was getting them BACK in water ASAP! Thankfully, I had a bunch of other tanks, but ones that already had fish (in solitary, due to aggressiveness, etc.) – but water was what they needed, not a friend at this point. :(

I found fish 25’ away, behind boxes, behind other tanks. NOT fun. The 3 Columbians found their way to a low spot and they were happily swimming in 3” of water. I took an inventory and couldn’t find the Pleco – he was still in the tank, stuck to the glass! One big Oscar was laying on the rocks. I had a really hard time picking up the Silver Dollars, they looked so sad. Seriously, I’m not a person who freaks out easily – but this was one horrible experience! I’m fine with blood and guts, but lose it when I see animals in pain or are suffering. After I got the fish back in water, and kept an eye on them … hoping the Buttikoferi didn’t take a chunk out of the Pleco, and the Puffers didn’t start nipping at the Parrots. The Red Tail, who's usually alone, now had 2 big Oscars and a few other guys. I didn't want to leave the RTC alone with ANY of them, no matter the size, over night. But, I had too - so I kept the lights on. Really really sad to see everyone all shaken up (and that included me at the time!). Oh, all the electric outlets tripped, so all the other tanks were off. The power strips under the 220 were soaking wet! WHAT a mess!

Anyway – the flood was cleaned up by midnight that night, there’s still gravel in the corners, but at least it’s getting back to normal. The “refugee” tanks are doing ok – a bit crowded, but ok.

Tank details … it was a 220 gallon Perfect Tank. They’re covering it, and any damages 100%. So far so good, and the customer service has been fine – no questions asked, they saw the pictures and said it was a manufactures defect. Nice that it’s covered and they’ll reimburse me for any expenses … but, it sucks. Really sucks. Oh, I lost one of my King Kong Parrots a day later – was really stressed and just never made it … 

Oh, the good news. Well, not really any good news other than I’m NOT replacing the tank with another 220 – getting 125, I just feel it’s ‘safer’ … I don’t want that huge glass breaking on ME one day. The 220 was nice to look at, but geez. Very scary to see the half inch glass pop like that! The tank should be here next week – so hoping everyone will settle in ok. Whew … I wouldn’t wish this experience on anyone. Check your seams, check your glass. Yes, I need to update my MFK signature too. :(







Damn dude that sucks what do you think caused it?
I can't imagine how bad that actually sucks...

sorry to hear about the tank and the parrot.

Glad to hear that everyone else is doing well and that perfecto is taking responsibility.
Had a brand new tenacor 300 Gallon do that to me after about 10 days. I wasn't as lucky as you to be home. Good luck with it all.
Man this saddens me to read this. I have a 270 that I'm pretty sure was poorly built and I have literally had nightmares about the tank breaking. I know that the first concern was the fish and I'm glad to hear that you had minimum casualties. Hope you have better luck with the next tank.
Damm....that's like ground zero for fish people to see. I could only imagine what you were going through when this happen. I hope you house, yourself, and fish were ok. I've never seen a tank busted like that. Was the tank leveled? What brand was it? Perfecto?