fishman256 Feeder Fish MFK Member Feb 1, 2007 885 1 0 England May 27, 2009 #2 Dude, sick setup. Any chance of a video?
O OscartheGrouch Feeder Fish MFK Member May 2, 2007 262 0 0 Boston May 27, 2009 #3 Simply WOW!!!! We will need pics of this tank unwrapped and hooked up.
jcardona1 Feeder Fish MFK Member Jun 5, 2007 11,491 40 0 42 South of Heaven May 27, 2009 #4 Awesome Mike, thanks for taking the time to post the pics again
Gr8KarmaSF Administrator Staff member Administrator MFK Member Jul 23, 2005 22,881 215 697 Quarantine Tank May 27, 2009 #7 STUNNING!!!
S smellslikefish Feeder Fish MFK Member Aug 20, 2008 293 0 0 illinois May 27, 2009 #8 man i would love to have something like this. totally incredible
A arkmann Piranha MFK Member Apr 24, 2007 1,966 78 81 May 27, 2009 #9 Man... coming home from work and slouching on the couch... PRICELESS!!!
B bell3306 Jack Dempsey MFK Member May 20, 2009 30 1 36 Fort Wayne, in May 27, 2009 #10 That is such an incredible tank. I have one question though. How do you clean it or remove a dead fish if anything happened?
That is such an incredible tank. I have one question though. How do you clean it or remove a dead fish if anything happened?