GIANT gouramis

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MFK Member
Jan 31, 2007
Chicago, IL
i'm new to the site and was wondering if anyone kept giant gouramis. not the little six inch ones that are claimed to be giants but the two foot monsters of my dreams. i've seen what people have done with their houses/tanks :drool: and am so jealous. ultimately, though, the biggest i think i'll ever go is a 300. if i win the lottery however, that's going to change ;)
i'm interested in hearing people experience with them and to hear some info about keeping them, i think they are THE best fish EVER!!! :headbang2
Mines not quite a huge monster yet, but i have a red tail giant gourami. he might be a lowgrade tho because he doesn't have much red at all. just getting big. only had it for about 4 months maybe n it grew from 3" to about 10" and thats height and length. pretty agressive towards tankmates. always down to eat some food.
The shop i work at has a roughly 2' one and so do 2 other shops within 15 mins drive from my house. Weird. The one at work is awesome she will eat whatever we chuck in there but loves the odd strawberry and will let you pat her and has never acted agrressive to hands but when we clean the tank she goes nuts attacking the algae scrubbing brush. Great fish.
Their really cool fish.. especially the begging, but they also will recognise the person who feeds them the most and sometimes even show aggresion towards other persons by (sorry dont know the right word, im dutch) 'boinking' on the glass.
"ramming" or charging?
yeah i would totally take your GG! when i get one i hope it grows into the darker kind with a lot of black on it, or maybe i'll get a white one....?
hmm... so many possibilities
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Mine acts almost just like an oscar:) It's an awesome fish.
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yeah speaking of which can you keep themin with oscars cause i have one lonely oscar who i need to get in a bigger tank. i've been eyeballing a 70 gal. and if i get a GG i would probably put him in there with him
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