Waterproof Camera Cases

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 16, 2007
Mansfield, Texas
So here's the deal. Me and my fiancee decided on our honeymoon location and June 28-July 4th we're are going to be in Turks and Caicos! (don't worry if you haven't heard of it, it's an archipelago just north of the Dominican Republic). Long story short, the resort we are going to be staying at is on a 12 mile beach on a coral reef lagoon. Needless to say snorkeling will be a part of this.

I have a Canon 10d camera, and upon browsing waterproof enclosures for it, I would like to find one that is 1)Not a bad with a lens hole and 2) over $1,000 (preferably in the $100-$200 range. The waterproof bag would be doable, just not optimum, and if I can't find any better alternatives, this is the way I'm going to go.

If anyone has experience in this area, you're input would be more than welcome.
I've never found a decent case for less than $500. However, you can get some pretty decent underwater point and shoot cameras for a reasonable price.
Well, I can't help, but this thread will be helpful for me too. I'm going to South America-including the Galapagos and Amazon basin-this summer, so I plan to take thousands of pictures including many underwater. I was planning to just go with one of the cheap plastic bag type of case, but if someone knows of a reasonably-priced alternative, I might consider it as well
I have a Canon G7 and have this underwater housing for my camera:


I went snorkeling in Hawaii with it. You have to put lubricant on the gasket to make sure of a good seal. I was still scared to death to use it. With all the funny knobs and dials in slightly different positions to make the camera work, I had a very hard time with it. I couldn't tell if my camera was on/off, and the worse part was I couldn't see anything on the viewfinder. It was very dark.

I'd much rather use one of these:


I never did figure out what I did wrong....I do know that I repeatedly came up to the surface to fiddle with the camera, and was not able to see what I was taking pictures of.

I actually did get a few pictures, but was shooting blindly at the fish



It was so difficult to use, I don't plan to ever use it again. I used a disposable camera when I went snorkeling earlier this month.
after checking things out I found one of the lower end nikons that was waterproof. I'll probably save the money I was going to drop on a housing and get one of these and a universal underwater flash. Seems to be the better bang for my buck.
I had this problem with our honeymoon in Riviera Maya, Mexico. Went snorkling, and ended up using a waterproof disposable I found in one of the shops at the resort. Paid dearly for it (like $28, but that's just resort price, much cheaper here I would assume), but was happy just to get some underwater shots because there was livestock galore. It took decent pics, nothing award winning, but very memory worthy.

I got this one for free on craigslist.
(along with a scuba tank and weights)
It's a cheap and functional model. I'm not sure if it would fit your camera though.
I have used a bag-type housing, they are a real pain, but won't leak at the surface (IF you get it sealed up just right!). The biggest problem I had with the bag was that if you dive down at all the bag compresses around the camera, making it unusable.

A couple years ago I bought an Olympus Stylus 770 SW. It can go up to 30' under without any housing. It is also crush-proof to 220 pounds and drop-proof to 5' over concrete. I tested it's toughness when I slipped on some river rocks last summer - I slammed it into a boulder HARD. It still works find, just a little scratched up. I got a $10.00 silicone skin as well, it doesn't make it more waterproof but protects it from bumps/scratches. I think the camera cost around $300, less than a housing would cost.

I would check out B&H Photography, they have an assortment of underwater cameras/housing ranging from disposables to professional.

Here's a few pictures I took with my Olympus.




I forgot to add that those are reduced file photos, as I've got dial-up...

Here is the ray in full quality.
