My 55 Gallon Tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
dmed;1907840; said:
Angel51087, that's an interesting signature you have. I wonder where that quote came from, oh yeah, I remember.......

LOL, yep.... was probably the best comeback I've heard and it makes total sense. It was worthy of signature status :)
Angel51087;1907869; said:
LOL, yep.... was probably the best comeback I've heard and it makes total sense. It was worthy of signature status :)

Well, who is xXx? Usually a quote is attributed to its author.... especially the "worthy" ones.
sorry, the xXx was just some bookends .... i shall correct and apologise for the lack of acknowledgement :)
I feel so bad for any fish you have and any fish you buy in the future. Your oscars got into a fight...and killed each other?!?! You already said the bigger one killed the smaller one earlier?! did you resurrect it and then it took revenge or what? I think that it died the same way the rest of these fish will die. From ignorance.
xFLEAxx;1904440; said:
haha to answer all your questions
oscar-the oscars got in a fight over territory under a plant and died sadly
red devil- I thought about it but never got one
Tiger Musky- that was my friend who wanted me to ask cause he has one
convicts- In a seperate breeding tank
Goby- Hes in the corner you cant see him
and thanks alot man i appreciate it
why do you think the bamboo should go?
its doin pretty good

I just needed to point this out for everyone

Quote from this other sad sad thread

xFLEAxx;1878378; said:
I have one oscar and a pair of Red Devils in that tank.
I wanna put about 4 convicts in that tank and let them breed
So that the fish will ahve a continuous source of fry.
Does anyone see any error or suggestions?

So you never got "one"...but you did have two!

Quote from yet another sad sad thread

xFLEAxx;1878176; said:
I have one 6 inch Tiger Oscar and one 4 inch Red Oscar and the Tiger always hangs out under the same plant in the same area, Today the small Red oscar went under that plant where the Tiger hangs out and the Tiger grabbed the tail of the Red Oscar and ripped it off then killed the smaller Oscar and tried eating it's head. Why this type of behavior?

so the red oscar while missing a tail and head retaliated and killed the remaining tiger oscar with its last breath of life?


xFLEAxx;1887525; said:
i caught him you cant buy tiger muskies

So you caught him but conveniently he is then your friends who also happens to have a 30 gallon tank and has no sense of fish keeping logic either?

Another quote

xFLEAxx;1918867; said:
I have a 55 gallon tank and I currently have a pair of convicts in it and I was wondering what some other cool ciclids that i can put in would be. I wanna create a nice cihlid tank and have a variety of colors and aggresiveness. Does anyone have any ideas?

I dont even feel I need to comment anymore

xFLEAxx;1920805; said:
I just wish they new more about
there job to help more people out
they kill so many fish by selling them
to people who dont know what there talking
about either but you cant blame them since
they have nobody to learn from. They probably
though they were gonna ask the people at persmart

xFLEAxx;1885587; said:
I have a 6 inch Oscar and I just ordered 12 Red Bellied Piranhas at 1 inch each. I am afraid that my oscar will eat all the pirnhas when they get in though. What should I do. by the way 55 gallon tank. Thanks

xFLEAxx;1881605; said:
How long can a Tiger Musky be kept in captivity in a 30g tank?? It is only about an inch right now

xFLEAxx;1878056; said:
My tank is a 55 but i am very experienced with fish

What is your deal man? Please stop buying and killing fish
I think it is time...


oh dear... u suck mate.... each to there own but please im intrigued... justify ur actions and posts if u care to???