WeeNe858 Piranha MFK Member Dec 20, 2006 1,252 31 81 :] Mar 21, 2007 #1 heres a teaser on my new tank NOTE THE CUSTOM STAND AND CANOPY MADE BY MY DAD ill post the fineds products in the next couple of months.. (need to let the plants grow)[/
heres a teaser on my new tank NOTE THE CUSTOM STAND AND CANOPY MADE BY MY DAD ill post the fineds products in the next couple of months.. (need to let the plants grow)[/
vanilla__gorilla__ Feeder Fish MFK Member Jan 3, 2006 712 0 0 43 at work Mar 21, 2007 #2 I love the s on the hood what does it stand for?
eman b115 Fire Eel MFK Member Jul 11, 2006 2,493 2 68 49 * Mar 21, 2007 #3 vanilla__gorilla__;763643; said: I love the s on the hood what does it stand for? Click to expand... yeah what does the "S" stand for.....
vanilla__gorilla__;763643; said: I love the s on the hood what does it stand for? Click to expand... yeah what does the "S" stand for.....
WeeNe858 Piranha MFK Member Dec 20, 2006 1,252 31 81 :] Mar 21, 2007 #4 absolutly nothing.. my dad just put it on there.. i would actually prefer it laying on the side so it looks like a squigly or maybe it stands for SICK!!!!!.. the first words to come out of a spectaters mouth
absolutly nothing.. my dad just put it on there.. i would actually prefer it laying on the side so it looks like a squigly or maybe it stands for SICK!!!!!.. the first words to come out of a spectaters mouth
vanilla__gorilla__ Feeder Fish MFK Member Jan 3, 2006 712 0 0 43 at work Mar 21, 2007 #5 I kind of want to put big letters on all my tanks now
B BIGgourami Polypterus MFK Member Jan 31, 2007 6,181 12 92 35 Chicago, IL Mar 21, 2007 #7 i hope you paid your dad for that stand! that this i awesome!!!! whattya keeping? how big?
G green_fox Feeder Fish MFK Member Jul 18, 2006 1,221 0 0 32 canada Mar 21, 2007 #8 i want an s for my tanks
WeeNe858 Piranha MFK Member Dec 20, 2006 1,252 31 81 :] Mar 21, 2007 #9 its a 125 and i plan to do lowlight live plants so its a sand bed on the left with a raised gravel platform, 2 large malasian driftwoods ~java moss ~java fern ~anubias nana ~amazon sword ~4 leaf clover -school of discus -school of oddball clown loaches -school of harliquin rasboras -2 bosemani rainbows -2 of my old angels GEAR 2 fluval 404 2 300w heaters 2 thermometers flourecent retrofit kit (thought about metal halides :/) this tank is replacing my 110 that broke didnt cost me a thing
its a 125 and i plan to do lowlight live plants so its a sand bed on the left with a raised gravel platform, 2 large malasian driftwoods ~java moss ~java fern ~anubias nana ~amazon sword ~4 leaf clover -school of discus -school of oddball clown loaches -school of harliquin rasboras -2 bosemani rainbows -2 of my old angels GEAR 2 fluval 404 2 300w heaters 2 thermometers flourecent retrofit kit (thought about metal halides :/) this tank is replacing my 110 that broke didnt cost me a thing
H HiGhTiMeZ Blue Tier VIP MFK Member Feb 26, 2006 3,238 10 343 43 Montreal, Canada www.friendster.com Mar 21, 2007 #10 wOw nice stand and canopy!!! i know what the S means!!!! its SUPER DAD!!!