Tiger Musky

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 10, 2008
New Jersey
How long can a Tiger Musky be kept in captivity in a 30g tank?? It is only about an inch right now
i hope this is one big joke, honestly id say no time at all, that is pitiful you would even try to keep a Musky in captivity
it will last a month and will prolly end up dead , or wishing it was dead
No just let it go,absolutly no reason to try to keep one,I can already see you cant provide proper care for it asking if it can be in a 30g
please please please give that to someone who can house it properly. Anyone with the skills and facilities needed to care for one of these animals would never ask this question because they would know that it should spent no time what so ever in a tank that size. They are one of the quickest growing fish out there.
cool to have it in captivity, but itll only last for about three weeks. One month max. Id let it go after that or get a pond.
I wouldn't let go a fish that has been in captivity back into the wild, regardless of whether that is how it was acquired. It is unethical and most likely illegal
Tiger muskies are sterile hybrid crosses of the northern pike and muskellunge. They're an aquacultured species that aren't usually released at only an inch in length. Are you sure you don't have a juvie pickerel? These dwarf pikes are fairly common in NJ. Post pics.
this thread makes me sad. So many fish have been lost to situations like this. How hard is it to look up information before you buy?