I have one 6 inch Tiger Oscar and one 4 inch Red Oscar and the Tiger always hangs out under the same plant in the same area, Today the small Red oscar went under that plant where the Tiger hangs out and the Tiger grabbed the tail of the Red Oscar and ripped it off then killed the smaller Oscar and tried eating it's head. Why this type of behavior?
My two were raised together from about two inches to almost ten. They started going through breeding type rituals(lip locking, pit digging) and then the albino tore the red tiger up and killed him. They will just do this sometimes. Probably too much inbreeding has made them a little crazy. Look what it's done for some parts of the south.
My two were raised together from about two inches to almost ten. They started going through breeding type rituals(lip locking, pit digging) and then the albino tore the red tiger up and killed him. They will just do this sometimes. Probably too much inbreeding has made them a little crazy. Look what it's done for some parts of the south.
I had 2 tiger oscars I raised from 4 inches to about 1 foot. The one jumped out of the tank. The other oscar spent the rest of his life sitting on the bottom leaned against the side and refused to eat. He passed a couple weeks later.
My two were raised together from about two inches to almost ten. They started going through breeding type rituals(lip locking, pit digging) and then the albino tore the red tiger up and killed him. They will just do this sometimes. Probably too much inbreeding has made them a little crazy. Look what it's done for some parts of the south.
what was the size of the tank? maybe it was too small and had nowhere to hide. conspecific aggression is an issue with most cichlids at one time or another