i knew i shouldnt have joined this forum.......

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 21, 2008
alrite guys...... i c how it is.........

lol, now ive taken on a noob appearance.....

the point of a forum is to ask questions!!!!!!!

when did i say i was a gar expert???

all i said was i know i could keep one!!!!!!! (i never wouldve join if i didnt think that) and i just wanted to know how to catch one, and i did, i got exactly what i was looking for

i wont post anything else if these are the responses im gonna get!!!!
but im still keeping my gar!!!!

........ i might post one day when he is big...........

if yall believe i can gettim to grow
you are getting these responses simply cause you claim to be an expert at fish, but are asking all sorts of questions that could be easily answered if you just used the search tool.
basically ive got nothing against you or your posts or questions but why did u feel the need to start a new thread for this??? i take most of the first post as response to comments in your recent thread bout y we keep gators..? and does that not seem the logical place to post this???? its not what you say that is winding people up and leading you to get the responses you do but more the manor and way u express it combined with rash comments and silly presumptions. I dont care if you keep posting or not, i dont mind tryna help with any problems you have and i am not trying to flame you either just point out why you are having such issues...
i posted this in a new thread so everyone could see it!!!

and maaaaan!!! i never said i was a fish expert!!!!
i said i could take care of an expert fish!!!

maybe i feel more comfortable asking someone a question, so i can know from

someone talking to just me

i ask many questions i know the answer to, cuz i feel better that way (is that so wrong??)

dont worry tho, ull see'im when hes grown, (if yall care)
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