About Venting sexing male female

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FishDojo God

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 13, 2008
Hi found that site about venting sexing...

Many photos of couples but no pics of Peacock Bass couple.

I think it would be very useful that our forum send pics of vents by species, hybrids etc...Maybe some differences?

our Pbass porn pics database:ROFL:
Could even make a special thread of it ???

Well this could be a special thread about it ;)

The venting is basically the same.. but was deemed by most unrealiable until last year in my opinion until Brian Scott posted elsewhere that he had successfully vented a few pairs.And that he does this on a regular basis to get pairs.

Before that post most were under the impression that you had to probe them.. And still it seems extremely hard..Brian Scott was saying he vented as small as I think 4"....

I no longer have specimens that are that size... but maybe some of the others; yourself included, would be inclined to pull some of; yours, and their Cichla out. Take some pics of their undersides for comparison at smaller sizes..

I can tell you from personal experience that they are like most American Cichlids or cichlids period for that matter when it comes to spawning time the genetalia looks the same as sexes from other species of cichlids ;)

So if anyone is willing to pull some of their Cichla out... DO IT!! ;) Lets see what we can get out of this thread!!..

CRYSTAL CLEAR PICS ONLY THOUGH!! ;) It is hard enough ID'ing full size fish properly: in Blurry pics, let alone judging the shape or look of a vent :D

Good pics to start.. Also vids on youtube ;)

yess and small ones too like 4 inches so we could try to choose in shop...
Because right know i don t have Pbass...
I have two of my tems which I believed to be a pair; the male is beginning to develop a hump and the female has a largish, fuller and rounder vent. The female also has a 'sharper' head while the male's head is 'taller' or 'squarish'. One fine day I will sedate them both and take macro of the vent for all to study. The problem with having a pairing fish is that the rest of the tank mates suffer. Too much fighting going on.
Thank you mate.
I m waiting with impatience
I am likely going to pull my pair this week.. But they are 12-16". I will flip em upside down in the moving process and get some pics.

They are Monoculus.
Okay, here's what I found;

The alleged female has a vent that is approximately 5-7 times larger than its anal.

The alledged male has a vent that is approximately 1.5 to 2 times larger than its anal.

See pic. Am not sure if this can be visible in a young cichla.

Female vent 1.JPG

female vs male vent.JPG

Female vs male vent 3.JPG

overeater club.JPG

male vent.JPG
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Instructive, thank you very much.