Stocking Ideas

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 10, 2008
New Jersey
I have a 55 gallon tank and I currently have a pair of convicts in it and I was wondering what some other cool ciclids that i can put in would be. I wanna create a nice cihlid tank and have a variety of colors and aggresiveness. Does anyone have any ideas?
In a 55 gallon you have to manange it carefully if you want a community of CA cichlids. If you have only single specimens, there a quite a few options, but since your cons are a pair I would go with with maybe 2 or 3 more cichlids, maybe a pair of firemouths or one jack dempsey (if you're ok with common species).
okay yea that might work
my only fear is that the convicts
will kill anything else I put in there
what about a needlenose fish??
OK seriously???? the 55g has pirahnas, the 29g had a pair of cons and now another 55g has sprouted up.
I thought you had an oscar...and 12 piranha...and a Tiger Musky
Miles;1919419; said:
You should get a needlefish and a jag they is soooo aggressive and colurful ... :werd:

nah, I saw some jags at petsmart the other day. they are only like 2" fish; way too small for a 55. the jags were only like 2", and the 4" needlefish would eat them.

I'd go with a RTC, I heard they get big enough for a 55!:ROFL::ROFL:

seriously, in a 55, I'd probably go with a Friedrichstahli. but like I've said before, I'm kind of biased toward that name.
yeah i get new tanks alot since im trying to put alot in my basment.
Im trying to make alot of different tanks.
lets see some pics