Amatitlania nigrofasciatus marbled 2-2.5 7.50 calico or marbled convicts individually unique patterns
3-3.5 12.50 large calico or marbled convict sexed males, or 20.00 per sexed pair
nigrofasciatus 1.5 5.50 F1 juveniles of Lago Nicaragua blue/green/orange convict cichlid
2-2.5 7.50 young adults with nicely contrasting pattern and color
sp. Hond. red pt-leucistic! 2-2.5 10.00 new to the hobby! pearl wht w/ blue & pink - not common pink convict!
3-3.5 15.00 young adults - chunky body, attractive colors
3.5-4.5 35.00 pr one large adult brdg pr an awesome example of this new morph
sp. Honduran red point 1.25-1.5 5.50 F2 juveniles of colorful, smaller, & less aggressive convict species
Amphilophus amarillo 1.5 7.50 F1 juveniles from the jumbo wild pair of brutes listed below
2-2.5 10.00 next size up on F1 chunky juveniles
10-12 200.00 pr jumbo barred wild brdg pair of industrial strength, very rare cichlids!
chancho 4-4.5 20.00 F1 massively built, barred, newly described, largest Amph. sp. (to 17)
5-5.5 28.00 next size on F1 adolescents with bold bar pattern and clearly visible teeth
citrinellus - barred 4-4.5 18.00 great sized F1 grow outs of adolescent barred midas cichlids
5-5.5 25.00 very beefy F1 young adult barred midas cichlids
citrinellus-colored 3-3.5 12.50 F1 juv. midas cichlids from brightly colored wild Lago Nicaragua adults
4-4.5 18.00 adolescent F1s in which many are beginning to color up!
5-5.5 25.00 great sized young adults with great color patterns
citrinellus wild pr 8-11 150.00 pr wild Nicaragua breeding pair jumbo sized, orange w/ black markings
labiatus barred 5-5.5 25.00 F1 young adults of barred or blue devils
labiatus - colored 3-3.5 12.50 F1 juveniles of big-lipped Nicaraguan true red devils
4-4.5 18.00 great sized F1 adolescents showing enlarged lips and color
5-5.5 25.00 F1 young adults exhibiting very attractive fins and colors
sagittae barred 4-4.5 25.00 F1 barred form of this rarely seen open water predator
8-10 200.00 pr wild jumbo barred breeding pair! Very aggressive and interactive!
sagittae - colored 3-3.5 18.00 exclusively imported by TUIC! F1 open water predatory Nicaragua species
4-4.5 25.00 F1 grow outs of next size up with gorgeous white, yellow, orange colors
trimaculatus 1.25-1.5 7.50 bred and raised here in my facility-truly magnificent real trimacs
2-2.5 12.50 next size up on chunky juveniles
3-3.5 20.00 great sized adolescents with fully spangled fins and pink belly showing
xiloaensis 1.5 7.50 1st time TUIC exclusive import! F1 juves, from solid wht w/ ylw adults
2-2.5 12.50 next size up on F1 juveniles-some of which are already coloring up
3-3.5 18.00 great chunky F1 grow outs with all sorts of colors and patterns showing
sp. red Isletas 2-2.5 10.00 1st time TUIC exclusive import! F1 juves. of barred red head species
3-3.5 15.00 next size up on chunky F1 grow outs
4-4.5 20.00 F1 Nicaraguan midas-like species with very stocky body
5-5.5 25.00 young F1 young adult males with nuchal humps forming
6-6.5 30.00 F1 very impressive adult males in prime condition
Archocentrus centrarchus 2-2.5 10.00 F1 Lago Nicaragua flier cichlids gorgeous blue/gold as adult
Astatheros robertsoni 4-4.5 20.00 young adults! Super color blue splangling on body and fins
Chuco godmani 3-3.5 18.00 chunky grow outs-gorgeous blue & red spangled, active, less aggressive sp.
ex Cichlasoma beani Rio Tepic 2.5 50.00 captive bred, beautiful Mexican jewels with gold honey comb pattern
grammodes 2-2.5 15.00 gorgeous red spotted, blue colored beauties of one tough customer
uropthalmus 5-6 20.00 very colorful red and blue adults of Florida collected Mayan cichlid
Cryptoheros cutteri 1.5-2 7.50 F1 Rio Mongo juves a beautiful yellow and blue race from Hondoras
3.5-4 15.00 large adults of blue/green/ylw Honduran beauties
sajica 1.25-1.5 12.50 European bred blue sajica! Its been years since these were available!
Herichthys cyanoguttatus 1.5 7.50 F1 true small spotted texas cichlid from Cuartro Cienegas
2-2.5 12.50 F1 chunky grow outs. This is NOT the commonly offered texas from FL!
Hypsophorys nicaraguense 3-3.5 12.50 brightly colored tank raised Costa Rican nics lovely blue, green, orange
Nandopsis haitiensis 1.25-1.5 7.50 juveniles of black nasty-gets big and mean, amazing show fish as adult!
tetracanthus 2 10.00 md Cuban cichlids-adults are very showy with blk/wht mosaic pattern
Neetroplus nematopus 1.5 7.50 always entertaining to view - F1 feisty little neets from Lago Nicaragua
2-2.5 12.50 next size up on F1 grow outs of the mighty neet!
Parachromis dovii Costa Rica 1.5 7.50 F1 juves. of newly available blue & gold race from Costa Rica
2-2.5 12.50 next size up on chunky F1 grow outs of blue/gold Costa Rican wolf cichlids
dovii - Nicaragua 2-2.5 12.50 chunky F1 juves. of the turquoise Lago Nicaragua wolf cichlids
3-3.5 25.00 F1 sexed males displaying characteristic heavy spotting/turquoise color
9-13 250.00 pr one jumbo, compatible, long term breeding pair of F1 Nicaraguan dovii!
fredricksthalli 1.25-1.5 7.50 F1 La Ceiba, Hondoras race - very striking new race in trade!
loisellei 2.5-3 12.50 F1 Costa Rica loisellei a nice deep yellow/orange body with blk markings
motaguense red tiger 3-3.5 20.00 Rio Copan race of real red tiger mots displaying very bold colors
Rocio octofasciatus gold 2-2.5 12.50 chunky grow out juveniles of bright yellow morph with blue spangling
3-3.5 18.00 great sized adolescents displaying blue spangles on gold body
octofasciatus electric blue 1.25-1.5 15.00 brightly colored juvenile electric blue dempsey
2-2.25 22.50 next size up on plump juveniles of great color
2.5-2.75 30.00 great sized chunky grow outs with gorgeous color!
3 40.00 the largest sized blues I can offer-amazingly colored showy fish!
Thorichthys maculipinnis 2-2.5 10.00 gorgeous red/orange colored beauties with blue spangles
meeki 1-1.25 5.50 F1 Rio Subin perhaps one of the most red, most incredible firemouth
sp. gold Mixteco 1.25 7.50 F1 gorgeous gold and blue spangled beauties
Tomocichla sieboldi 2-2.5 12.50 F1 juveniles of rarely seen, colorful red spotted Panama race
3-3.5 18.00 F1 great sized grow outs displaying adult color/pattern
Vieja heterospilus 2.5-3 15.00 less common, mild mannered, a rainbow of color as adult!
5-5.5 30.00 young adults showing gorgeous pink, blue, gold, and green colors
maculicauda 3-3.5 18.00 grow outs already displaying colorful red tail great race of black belts
melanurus 3-3.5 18.00 grow outs of highly colorful, uncommon, mellow Guatemalan species
4-4.5 22.00 adolescents with red/purple head and blue/green sides
5-6 30.00 great sized young adults with gorgeous color
synspilus 1.5 7.50 tank bred juveniles from highly colorful red headed race
3.5-4 20.00 great sized, colorful grow outs from gorgeous population of red heads
Acarichthys heckeli 2-2.5 10.00 captive bred, gorgeous thread-finned earth eaters
Aequidens pallidus 10 40.00 two jumbo wild males- proceeds to John OMalley family fund
pulcher 1.5 10.00 European bred juves. of most colorful Venezuelan blue acara
sp. silver suam 3-3.5 25.00 wild Ecuador collected rare silver or white seamed suam race
sp. gold suam 3-3.5 15.00 wild Ecuador grn terror/gold suam-only select deep red/orange trim
Apistogramma agassizi Huser redtail 1.25-1.5 28.00 pr European bred adult pairs w/ fire red tail, bright yellow body
alactina rotpunkt 1.25-1.5 20.00 pr European bred red point morph with blue face-gorgeous fish!
cacatuoides super redtail 1.25-1.5 28.00 pr European bred adult pairs w/ deep red tail and fins
hongsloi rostrich 1.5-2 30.00 pr European bred red streak morph with deep red breast-really colorful!
macmasteri 2-2.5 36.00 pr lg European bred adult pairs-gorgeous red and blue w/ huge dorsal
pandurini 1.5-2 30.00 pr European bred adult pairs, stocky body w/ attractive panda females
viejita Rio Meta 1.5-2.5 36.00 pr large European bred adult pairs, huge fish with rich red and blue color
Biotodoma wavrini 3-4 18.00 wild Colombian beauties with gorgeous pastel colors and showy fins
Caquetaia kraussi 8 75.00 jumbo wild show male! Deep green body with orange belly and eyes
spectabilis 7-8 75.00 spectacular color and size on wild adults!
umbriferus 1.5 7.50 juveniles of giant growing, very showy blue freckled monster
Cichla monoculus 4-4.5 35.00 beautifully colored captive bred Peruvian bass of great size
pinima 3.5-4 50.00 great sized wild grow outs-eating all prepared foods, gorgeous spangling
temensis 2.5-3 25.00 juvenile white spotted Venezuelan race peacock bass
7-7.5 75.00 large grow outs of Venezuelan race with super spot patterns!
Cichlasoma boliviensis 2-2.5 7.50 F1 juveniles of gold/green, ornate-finned Bolivian acara
3-3.5 12.50 F1 chunky grow outs with color
5-6 50.00 pr large, prolific breeding pair with great color
Cleithracara maronii 2-2.5 7.50 ever popular, peaceful and elegant keyhole cichlids
Crenicichla lacustris 5-6 75.00 rarely imported Malaria-Itapemirim pikes, covered w/ red spangles
lenticulata 8-9 100.00 large wild Venezuelan pikes with crazy spotting and super color
minuano 5-6 40.00 rarely imported Uruguayan pike w/ distinctive beak & attractive pattern
regani 2-3 15.00 wild Orinoco drainage collected, attractive dwarf pike species
sp. Maicuru 4-4.5 25.00 rarely imported pike from Northern Brazil with wide, flattened snout
5-6 75.00 pr one fully colored, wild adult pair of this beautifully spangled pike
Geophagus altifrons 3-3.5 20.00 captive bred adolescents of Rio Tapajos race, a super showy earth eater
5-5.5 40.00 jumbo grow outs displaying awesome color-very sharp fish!
brasiliensis Rio de Janiero 3-3.5 18.00 wild big blue spotted race collected outside South Brazil city of Rio!
dicrozoster 2-3 8.50 wild Colombian Geo. with black cheek and semi-elongated body
parnaibae 1.25 7.50 exclusive offer of tank raised juves. in the US-gorgeous, md growing
4-4.5 35.00 large adult males in full color! Very rare fish in the trade!
proximus 1.5-2 20.00 F1 juves. of rarely offered, exquisitely colored, large growing earth eater
steindachneri 2.5-3 15.00 large wild Colombian red humps with super color-great earth eater!
sp. red head Tapajos 1.5-2 15.00 F1 juveniles of European bred red head Tapajos Geos
Gymnogeophagus balzani 1.5-2+ 12.50 juves. from attractive yellow Rio Uruguay race of big headed balzani
cf. meridionalis Sequeira 2.5-3 15.00 F1 grow outs of striking red & blue striped, golden N. Uruguay beauty
cf. rhabdotus Convento 2.5-3 15.00 F1 grow outs of iridescent blue w/ red colored Uruguayan earth eater
Heros appendiculatus 3-3.5 18.00 chunky F1 juveniles of colorful red & blue Peru turquoise severum
5-7 75.00 pr beautiful jumbo pair in full color
severus 5-7 75.00 pr large wild pair of Orinoco originally described mouth brooding severum
sp. Atabapo 2.5 12.50 F1 juves of undescribed Venezuela mouth brooder-red belly and sides
3-3.5 18.00 next size up on chunky adolescent grow outs with some color showing
sp. Inirida 7-8 65.00 jumbo wild adult male! Very impressive with super color/markings
sp. rotkeil 1.5-2 12.50 chunky juveniles of highly colorful rotkeil or red head severums
Hoplarchus psittacus 4-4.5 45.00 wild Colombian true parrot cichlids
5-6 65.00 next size up on wild Colombian parrots
7-8 85.00 sub adult sized wild Colombian parrots
10-11 125.00 jumbo wild Colombian parrot
Hypselecara temporalis 5-6 75.00 pr lg pair of beautifully colored red/purple/green Peru chocolate cichlid
Laetacara dorsigerus 1.5-2 7.50 wild Argent. dwarf smiling acara, cool hardy red/purple peaceful dwarf
Satanoperca daemon 2.5-3 15.00 wild Columbian daemon earth eaters-very well acclimated, very healthy
jurupari 2.5-3 12.50 juveniles of robust, less commonly available Brazilian earth eater
3.5-4 18.00 chunky grow outs with nice green coloration
Symphysodon sp. Alenquer red 2-2.5 36.00 F1 tank bred Alenquer red discus beautiful race, already red
Uaru amphiancanthoides 1.5 10.00 attractively patterned, white spotted tank raised juveniles
fernandezyepezi 3-3.5 125.00 F1 tank raised Panda Uaru these are rock solid, very stable fish!
sp. orange 1-1.25 18.00 first worldwide distribution of F1 tank bred orange uaru
Boulengerochromis microlepis 4-4.5 25.00 Emperor cichlids (worlds largest cichlid) from Lake Tanganyika
Cyphotilapia frontosa Burundi6-7 125.00 wild blue Burundi male frontosa (1 pc)
frontosa Bangwe 1.5 36.00 F1 yellow colored variant collected from Bangwe
gibberosa 8 225.00 large rare wild adult male Zaire blue Moba frontosa (1 pc)
10 250.00 jumbo rare wild adult male Zaire blue Moba frontosa (1 pc)
12+ 275.00 giant rare wild adult Zaire blue Moba frontosa (2 pcs)
Etroplus maculatus 2-2.5 7.50 wild type orange chromides-old time favorite, small sized Asian cichlid
Hemichromis lifalili 2.5-3 10.00 true blood red dwarf jewels not the commonly sold jewel cichlid
3.5-4 15.00 full colored mature adults very striking!
Lepidolamprologus nkambae 2-2.5 15.00 European bred juveniles of large growing, predatory Lamp.
Oreochromis niloticus 12 25.00 jumbo show male with a rainbow of color!
tanganicae 5-5.5 20.00 beautiful metallic blue/green, large-growing Tanganyikan species
7-10 125.00 pr jumbo pair of magnificent color! Very showy!
11 80.00 jumbo show male with crazy beautiful color
Pelvichachromis kribensis 2.5-3 10.00 jumbo sized, ever popular, very colorful adult kribs
Ptychochromis nossibeensis 4-4.5 20.00 purple/black, long finned, showy Madagascar species
Tilapia buttekoferi 8-9 40.00 lg adult of strikingly banded, tough and showy cichlid
*Here are some excellent photographic resources/information to view species from below categories: (catfish), (all species!), (loaches), (danios), (rainbowfish)
Barbodes schwanenfeldi 4-5 12.50 lg red tail tinfoil barbs great large fish community dither/showy fish
Belontia signata 2-3 8.50 robust, rare wild Ceylon combtail paradise-colorful orng & blk bands
Devario regina 3.5-4 10.00 jumbo, very robust/deep bodied wild Thai danio - turq. w/ ylw stripes
Distichodus sexfasciatus 2.5-3 35.00 gorgeous orng & blk bands, tough, lg growing & showy species
Fundulus sjoestedti 1.5-2 20.00 pr European bred stock-crazy beautiful, xl growing (5-6) killifish
Glossolepis incisus 4 15.00 jumbo male Irian red rainbowfish-gorgeous additions to any tank
Hampala macrolepidota 5-6 25.00 large, active, colorful, unusual, not aggressive-Malaysian Hampala barb
Hypsibarbus wetmorei 3-3.5 10.00 lemon fin barb-grow to 12, great looking lg community/dither fish
Labeobarbus festivus 3-3.5 12.50 attractive and active signal shark great for md/lg community tanks
Leptobarbus hoevenii 5-6 15.00 another cool shark-like sp., red fin mad barb grows to 20
Myleus rubripinnis 4-5 20.00 large Columbian red hook silver dollar with great color
Osphronemus goramy 5-6 25.00 huge growing and showy red tail giant goramy
Polypterus endlicheri 4-4.5 25.00 attractively banded, very hardy Jurassic species bichirs
Potamotrygon castexi 10 350.00 jumbo, show Colombian female with exquisite flower markings
motoro marble 7-8 200.00 boldly marked Colombia-xl orange spots, another w/ thick blk borders
10 250.00 jumbo Colombian male with deeply colored, very vivid pattern
orbignyi 7-8 100.00 handsome colored Colombian ray with attractive markings
reticulatus 7-8 100.00 great size and markings on this particular robust individual
sp. red flower Caqueta 7-8 125.00 red Rio Caqueta ray-displays red with blue floral pattern
Salminus maxillosus 4-4.5 50.00 juvenile golden dorado! Large growing, very active, very showy
Tetraodon erythrotaenia 2-2.5 20.00 very rarely imported New Guinea red line puffer-very colorful, very cool!
Ancistomus snethlageae 3-3.5 25.00 L 141 sharply spotted body with unique, thick white trimmed fins
Ancistrus claro 2-3 10.00 LDA 08 gold marbled bristlenose attractive and endearing little pleco
cf. cirrhosus 2.5-3 7.50 extremely hardy, excellent algae eater-spotted bristlenose is an ideal pleco
Ancistrini sp. L 127 2-3 10.00 L 127 attractively marbled, hardy Columbian pleco w/ wide, wavy bands
Baryancistrus beggini 3-3.5 35.00 L 239 metallic blue sheen over body and fins
demantoides 4-4.5 40.00 L 200 green phantom pleco-stunning emerald green w/ ylw spots & fins
sp. gold nugget 2.5-3 22.00 L 18 great size and condition w/ brilliant lg spots and thick yellow trim
sp. LDA 33 2-3 35.00 LDA 33-snowball pleco unreal! brilliant large gold spots over black body
Horabagrus brachystoma 4-5 12.50 red tail golden sun cats active, colorful, always hungry!
Hypancistus contradens 4-4.5 28.00 jumbo wild adults of very large gold spotted jewel!
furunuculus 2.5-3 35.00 L 199 super patterns of beautifully marked Venezuelan jewel
sp. L 201 2.5-3 25.00 L 201 snowball Hypancistrus-very attractive, blk body w/ lg gold spots
sp. L 340 2 28.00 L 340 bold bands covering body and fins
2.5-3 35.00 L 340 next size up on gorgeous banded beauties
Hypostomus cochliodon 3-3.5 25.00 L 310 rich, dark chocolate covered with and they have red fins
Mystus bocourti 3-3.5 20.00 very cool species with extremely elongated, sword-like dorsal fin
micracanthus 3-3.5 10.00 the wonderful, attractive, active, small growing two spot Mystus cat
Leporicanthicus cf. galaxias 3.5-4 35.00 L 07 big gold spotted vampire plecos super showy pleco
sp. L 314 4-5 35.00 L 314 rarely imported, attractive variety of Sultan pleco in great size
Liosomodoras morrowi 3-4 10.00 the spotted jaguar cat- attractive black spotted wood cat with grey body
Oligancistrus sp. L 20 4-4.5 25.00 L 20 sports super large pearl white spots! Great contrast on dark body
Panaque maccus 2+/- 18.00 L 104-gorgeous colored/banded dwarf Panaque-great for captive breeding
sp. tiger pleco 2-3 15.00 L 02 tiger pleco very sharp diagonal dark brown bars on gold body
sp. L 271 4-4.5 35.00 L 271 butterfly-like pectoral fins, entire body & fins banded rust & black
Peckoltia sp. (1) 4-5 28.00 sp. (1) giant adults of Colombian beauties with intricate markings
sp. L 243 4-5 25.00 L 243 jumbo Colombian adults with bold spots on head, nicely colored
sp. L 76 2.5-3 25.00 L 76 sharply spotted body with distinctive orange trimmed fins
sp. orange fin frog 3-4 30.00 L 13 uncommonly imported orange finned beauty with lg spots on body
sp. leopard clown 3.5-4.5 30.00 L 288 seldom imported, large spots and wide bars on gold body
Pseudolithodoras tigris 2-2.5 30.00 L 257 incredible intricate banding displayed on wide body
Pseudomystus siamensis 4-4.5 15.00 very attractive with bumble bee bars, large sized Asian bee catfish
Pseudoplatystoma coruscans 5-6 50.00 spotted tiger shovelnose cat from southern Brazil-uncommon in trade
Pterogoplichthys gibbiceps albino 5-6 20.00 L 165, L 83-albino sailfin pleco-very ornate, lg growing pleco
Rhinodoras gallagheri 6-7 75.00 rarely imported, attractively marked Doradid cat! sexed pair is available
Scobliancistrus pariolispis 3-3.5 25.00 L 48 large growing, ornate pleco covered in pearl spots
Scleromystax barbatus 1.5 20.00 European bred giant growing (to 5) Corydoras species
Tatia intermedius 2-2.5 15.00 attractively marked dwarf wood cat covered w/ white spots and dashes
Trachelyichthys exilis 1.5-2 15.00 gorgeous little Auchenipterid cat! Gold body with large black spots