April Price List

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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Fire Eel
MFK Member
Mar 31, 2006
Here's this months stock list, I'm in Georgia, ship nationwide via Fed-ex or USPS. fishfarm@mindspring.com Ken
Since the $200 box was so popular I will now offer:
Box of Central American cichlids, overnight shipping included. $200, $300, ect. name your price. I will make you happy, stipulate what size fish you want. Knowing what you already have will help with fish selection. I can do this with South American cichlids or discus also. I will choose appropriate fish from my current list, may throw in some that aren't on the list too!
Xtreme Cichlid Pellets 18 oz $18
Xtreme Cichlid Pellets 24 oz $22
Xtreme Cichlid Pellets 5 lb $60
Xtreme Large Fish Sticks 24 oz $22
Xtreme Large Fish Sticks 5 lb. $60
Xtreme Spirulina/Krill Flakes 2.9 oz $9 sold
Xtreme Spirulina/Krill Flakes 1 lb. $32 sold
Wilds: (number available)
Apistogramma sp. "Amapa spot cheek" $11 1" (25)
Geophagus altifrons Tapajos $30 3-3.5" (30)
Crenicichla minuano $40 4-5" (3 pairs left)
Discus: Symphysodon (Brazil)
S. aequifasiatus Alenquer Semi Royal $120 5-7" (5)
S. aequifasiatus Uatuma Red $120 6-7" (5)
S. aequifasiatus Tucurui Red $85 5-7" (16)
S. aequifasiatus Cameta Brown $30 3" (6)
S. aequifasiatus Cameta Brown $40 4" (20)
S. aequifasiatus Cameta Brown $50 5-7" (25)
S. tarzo Tefe Red Spotted Green $75 3-3.5" (15)
S. tarzo Tefe Red Spotted Green $85 4-4.5" (20)
S. tarzo Tefe Red Spotted Green $95 5-7" (32) some spots
S. tarzo Tefe Red Spotted Green $120 4.5-5" (4) lots of spots
Gymnogeophagus: (Uruguay) All wild gynmos on sale for $10, these were all $25-30, need to clear some tanks for new fish!
G. gymnogenys “Laguna de Arnaud” $10 4-4.5” (3 big males)
G. gymnogenys "Olimar" $10 4” (1 male)
G.n.sp."Paso Pache I" $10 35-4.5” (2) sold
G.cf rhabdotus "Paso Uturbey" $10 3-3.5” (10)
G.n.sp."Paso Pache II" (ex-meridionalis) $10 3-4” (12)
G. gymnogenys Melo $10 3" (2) sold
Domestic Central and South American:
Amphilophus sp. "Amarillo" $8 (30) 1.5"
Amphilophus sp. "Amarillo" $10 (10) 2.5-3"
Amphilophus sp. Chancho $5 (20) 1"
Amphilophus sp. Chancho $10 (10) 2-2.5"
Amphilophus sp. Chancho $25 (10) 3-4"
Amphilophus citranellus Barred $5 (40) 1.5-2.5"
Amphilophus citranellus Costa Rican Red Face F1 $8 (6) 1"
Amphilophus citranellus Costa Rican Red Face F1 $25 (1) 4.5" male sold
Amphilophus citranellus Colored $8 (5) 2.5-3.5"
Amphilophus citranellus F1 Lago Nicaragua $5 (50) 1.5-2"
Amphilophus citranellus F1 Lago Nicaragua $10 (20) 2.5-3.5"
Amphilophus citranellus F1 Lago Nicaragua $25 (6) 4-5.5"
Amphilophus hogaboomorus F1 Rio Choluteca $5 (50) 1"
Amphilophus hogaboomorus F1 Rio Choluteca $8 (20) 1.5-2"
Amphilophus hogaboomorus F0 Adult pair $150 10" male, 6" female
Amphilophus labiatus F1 Colored $5 (50) 1.5-2.5"
Amphilophus labiatus F1 Colored $25 (15) 4-5.5"
Amphilophus trimaculatum $6 (3) 1.5" sold
Amphilophus trimaculatum $25 (1) 3" sold
Caquetia umbriferum Green Panama FO $25 (100) 1/2"
Cryptoheros cutteri F1 Rio Jutiapa $5 (25) 1.5-2.5"
Cryptoheros sp. Honduran Red Point Rio Monga F1 $5 (25) 1-1.5"
Cryptoheros sp. Honduran Red Point Rio Monga F1 $10 (10) 2-3"
Cryptoheros sp. Honduran Red Point Leutistic $10 (4) 2-2.5" sold
Cryptoheros myrnae $8 (20) 1.5-2.5"
Cryptoheros (Amatitlania) nigrofasiatus F1 Rio Choluteca Orange dorsal $5 (60) 1"
Cryptoheros (Amatitlania) nigrofasiatus Calico $5 (10) 1" sold
Cryptoheros (Amatitlania) siquia F1 Rio Claro Red fin $5 (8) 1-1.5" sold
Cryptoheros (Amatitlania) cf nigrofasiatus F1 Lago Nicaragua $5 (20) 1"
Cryptoheros (Amatitlania) cf nigrofasiatus F1 Lago Nicaragua $10 (10) 2.5-3.5"
Cryptoheros septemfasiatus "Topaz" $5 (5) 1" sold
Cryptoheros septemfasiatus "Topaz" $7 (8) 2.5-3" females only sold
Gymnogeophagus setequeda $8.50 (7) 2.5-3.5"
Herichthys cyanoguttatus $5 (12) 1.5"
Herichthys cf labridens Blue "Taniul" $8 (50) 1-1.5"
Herichthys labridens Media Luna Yellow $25 (50) 1" sold
Heros efasiatus F1 $8 (2) 2-2.5"
Parachromis dovii Nicaragua $15 (5) 2.5-3"
Paratheraps hartweigi $5 (20) 1.5-2.5"
Paratheraps pearsi $6 (6) 1-1.5"
Paratheraps pearsi $12 (6) 2-2.5" sold
Paratheraps zonatum $6 (2) 1" sold
Paratheraps zonatum $35 (3) 6-9" adults, awesum fish
Pterophyllum cf scarlare Peru spotted F1 $5 25 cent body size (100)
Uaru amphiacanthoides $15 (2) 2.5-3" sold
Domestic African:
Cyphotilapia frontosa $20 (20) 1.5"
Hemichromis lifalili $5 (15) 1-2"
Julidochromis regani Kipili $9 (10) 1.5" sold
Julidochromis regani $9 (12) 1.5"
Julidochromis transcriptus Zaire Black $9 (6) 1.5"
Labidochromis caeruleus Yellow $5 (15) 1-2" Father won first at ACA sold
Labidochromis "Hongi" $6 (5) 1.5" sold
Labeotropheus trewavasae OB $6 (20) 1.5" sold
Paralabidochromis chromogynos $12 (5) 1.5" sold
Paralabidochromis sp Albino 1/2 Crimson $8 (12) 1.5"
Paralabidochromis sp Red Fin Piebald $5 (15) 2-2.5"
Ameca splendens $5 (30) 1-2"
Brachyrhaphis rosnei $10 (10) 1-1.5" sold
Girardinus falcatus $5 (20) 1"
Limia perugiae $5 (30) 1-2"
It'll be a few days before I can get any pics, I've got fish crammed everywhere with more coming this week, I've got to do some rearranging, They are siblings to this fish, my breeder male, the male from the pair for sale is his twin. We caught a whole spawm in the Rio Choluteca two years ago. Ken

you have and pictures of the chancho? Amphilophus sp. Chancho
im thinking about doing the 200 box thing.
fishfarm;2985465; said:
I have more fish coming Wendesday I have to put some where! Ken

Really.........? :naughty:
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