Here are the pics to my build. I used 1/4 in plexi glass to build the box. I used a wet saw to make the cuts, and a Dremel tool to cut the drain hole and the hole for the bulkhead. I'm currently re-glueing the "water in" side of the box back on because it poped off when I first hooked it up after it dries up tommarow I will post a video of it running.
1) the basic design
2)The plumbing, plug the output of the FX5 into the outer port
3)This is the hole where water drains back into the tank
4)This is the roughed up growth strip where algae will hopefully grow, 1/8th inch plexi. I used a dremel to rough up the surface
5)Close up of the growth surface
6)This is what it looks like on the tank, with the light on
7) in clamps being re-sealed
1) the basic design
2)The plumbing, plug the output of the FX5 into the outer port
3)This is the hole where water drains back into the tank
4)This is the roughed up growth strip where algae will hopefully grow, 1/8th inch plexi. I used a dremel to rough up the surface
5)Close up of the growth surface
6)This is what it looks like on the tank, with the light on
7) in clamps being re-sealed