I've seen quite a few posts on centrarchids (sunfishes), so I thought that I would put up some info on some of them. This is by no means a complete, end all care sheet, but you should be sucessful with the info.
Lepomis Machrochirus (bluegill, sunny, bream)
Common size is about 5-7" although they have the potential to grow to a very large size, I've personally handled an 16" specimen. At the onset of sexual maturation, growth slows, but still continues throughout the life of the fish.
Foods- Bluegills are not picky at all. I've used feeder guppies, pellets, flake, frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp, algae pellets, earthworms, crickets, and whatever other creepy crawler thing you can find. They seem to need earthworms in their diet, they are usually more active and colorful after a full belly of worms.
Temperament- Kindof nippy, like to chase other fish. They can be territorial when in the breeding mood.
Breeding- the male is differentiated by his colorful throat. it is variable in color, sometimes orangish, sometimes red. The female shows the typical thickening and plumpness. Note that bluegills will breed fairly constantly, as long as the water temperature is high enough, theyll keep going. The male digs a pit, and guards the eggs, female chased of after breeding.
Bluegills like to hover in the open around cover, so a planted tank with a central viewing area would be appropriate. However, bluegills will pick fine leaved plants apart. I've had success with java fern, amazon swords, cryptocorn, valissneria and anubias.
Most of the other "sunfish" use about the same care, although sizes can be different.
Lepomis Megolotus-Longear sunfish, cherry bream-10" max-5" average
Lepomis Cyanellus- green sunfish- 12" max, usually 6-8", more agressive in my experrience
Lepomis auritus- redbreast sunfish- 12" max, usually smaller.
lepomis Gibossus- Pumkinseed-16"- usually 6-8" Not quite as agressive as others, but still a little pugnacious. Very pretty and hardy
Lepomis Gulosus-12" reported, I have handled specimens larger. Very large mouth, resembles the crappie somewhat. Highly piscivorous, but will eat a number of foods.
Lepomis Humilus- Orangespotted sunfish-6" But may occur larger. Purportedly the least aggresive of all sunfish. Likes crustaceans.
Lepomis marginatus- Dollar sunfish-5"- Fairly shy and retiring. For best results, maintain in heavily planted aquaria.
Lepomis Microlophus- redear sunfish-18" max, most normally 12". Largest of the commonly kept centrarchid sunfishes.
Lepomis miniatus- redspot sunfish- 8", may eventually get larger.
Lepomis Punctatus-spotted sunfish-12", usually half of that.
Lepomis symetricus-Bantam sunfish-4" Smallest kept usually.
I think that does it for the sunfish family, PM me if I missed anything or you have anything to add.
Micropterus salmoids- Largemouth bass.
Temperament, aggressive when breeding, but not usually as agressive otherwise. Will eat anything that can fit into their rather large mouths.
Max size- over 3' has been reported, most commonly up to about 24" but can change based on temperature, nutrition and tank/pond size. This is the largest in terms of bulk of all the commonly kept natives. Readily available to fisherman.
In the tank, they will eat feeder fish, pellets, dog food, crayfish, unwanted fish from breeding tanks, cheese, pieces of lunchmeat, and whatever else you can think of. A good idea is to gut load any feeders with vegetable matter, to get the proper nutrition to the fish.
They like cover, but will also sit out in the open. Breeding is a male digging a pit, female lay's eggs, male watches eggs. Males usually smaller.
I don't have any eperience with the other basses, so if someone could pitch in that would be helpful.
Lepomis Machrochirus (bluegill, sunny, bream)
Common size is about 5-7" although they have the potential to grow to a very large size, I've personally handled an 16" specimen. At the onset of sexual maturation, growth slows, but still continues throughout the life of the fish.
Foods- Bluegills are not picky at all. I've used feeder guppies, pellets, flake, frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp, algae pellets, earthworms, crickets, and whatever other creepy crawler thing you can find. They seem to need earthworms in their diet, they are usually more active and colorful after a full belly of worms.
Temperament- Kindof nippy, like to chase other fish. They can be territorial when in the breeding mood.
Breeding- the male is differentiated by his colorful throat. it is variable in color, sometimes orangish, sometimes red. The female shows the typical thickening and plumpness. Note that bluegills will breed fairly constantly, as long as the water temperature is high enough, theyll keep going. The male digs a pit, and guards the eggs, female chased of after breeding.
Bluegills like to hover in the open around cover, so a planted tank with a central viewing area would be appropriate. However, bluegills will pick fine leaved plants apart. I've had success with java fern, amazon swords, cryptocorn, valissneria and anubias.
Most of the other "sunfish" use about the same care, although sizes can be different.
Lepomis Megolotus-Longear sunfish, cherry bream-10" max-5" average
Lepomis Cyanellus- green sunfish- 12" max, usually 6-8", more agressive in my experrience
Lepomis auritus- redbreast sunfish- 12" max, usually smaller.
lepomis Gibossus- Pumkinseed-16"- usually 6-8" Not quite as agressive as others, but still a little pugnacious. Very pretty and hardy
Lepomis Gulosus-12" reported, I have handled specimens larger. Very large mouth, resembles the crappie somewhat. Highly piscivorous, but will eat a number of foods.
Lepomis Humilus- Orangespotted sunfish-6" But may occur larger. Purportedly the least aggresive of all sunfish. Likes crustaceans.
Lepomis marginatus- Dollar sunfish-5"- Fairly shy and retiring. For best results, maintain in heavily planted aquaria.
Lepomis Microlophus- redear sunfish-18" max, most normally 12". Largest of the commonly kept centrarchid sunfishes.
Lepomis miniatus- redspot sunfish- 8", may eventually get larger.
Lepomis Punctatus-spotted sunfish-12", usually half of that.
Lepomis symetricus-Bantam sunfish-4" Smallest kept usually.
I think that does it for the sunfish family, PM me if I missed anything or you have anything to add.
Micropterus salmoids- Largemouth bass.
Temperament, aggressive when breeding, but not usually as agressive otherwise. Will eat anything that can fit into their rather large mouths.
Max size- over 3' has been reported, most commonly up to about 24" but can change based on temperature, nutrition and tank/pond size. This is the largest in terms of bulk of all the commonly kept natives. Readily available to fisherman.
In the tank, they will eat feeder fish, pellets, dog food, crayfish, unwanted fish from breeding tanks, cheese, pieces of lunchmeat, and whatever else you can think of. A good idea is to gut load any feeders with vegetable matter, to get the proper nutrition to the fish.
They like cover, but will also sit out in the open. Breeding is a male digging a pit, female lay's eggs, male watches eggs. Males usually smaller.
I don't have any eperience with the other basses, so if someone could pitch in that would be helpful.