After some debate my wife and I have decided to start a major project in our home. She wants more storage in the house, I want a big tank. So we are working with a close friend, who happens to be a master cabinet maker, to build a large cabinet for my wife's storage needs with a large tank integrated into the unit.
I am not new to aquariums but I am new to monster tanks. So I thought I would start a thread showing our progress and allowing other forum members to comment and learn as I go merrily along.
Please feel free to comment and give me your feedback and ideas. No flamers please. Thanks!
I am not new to aquariums but I am new to monster tanks. So I thought I would start a thread showing our progress and allowing other forum members to comment and learn as I go merrily along.
Please feel free to comment and give me your feedback and ideas. No flamers please. Thanks!