Two fish rooms of tanks and fish. All for sale.
24" TSN $300 hand feed
24" RTC $100
24" spiny eel $200 odd pattern Tire Track hand feed
17" spiny eel $80 odd pattern Tire Track
16" black pacu $50 hand feed
12" Flowerhorm male (duel line ZZ Red dragon) also 2 females $100 all 3
10"-12" common plecos X 6 $10ea
10" red oscar $20
10" tiger oscar $20
10" sengal bicher $10 blind (very cool fish)
9" ornatipinnis bicher $50
9" black belt $50
6" red tail botia $50
3.5" male convicts X 6 $8ea
2" female convicts X 3 $3ea
2"-2.5" ice blue zebra X 50 $5ea 10 or more $4ea
72"x18"x21" (125gallon) $75 tank only cracked back
72"x18"x18" (100gallon) $300 oak hood w/ light, basic stand, A/C 110, stealth 250w
60"x18"x24" (110gallon) $200 oak hood w/ light, basic stand, Emperor 400, penn flex 300w
60"x18"x24" (110gallon) $200 hood w/ light, cabinet stand, A/C 110, stealth 250w
48"x15"x17" (60gallon) $150 oak hood w/ light, no stand, A/C 110, stealth 250w
48"x15"x17" (60gallon) $200 oak hood w/ light, cabinet stand, Aqua tech 30-60, stealth 250w
48"x13"x20" (55gallon) $35 tank only older model thick glass
48"x13"x20" (55gallon) $25 tank only
48"x13"x20" (55gallon) $25 tank only
30"x12"x18" (29gallon) x 2 $200 hood w/ light, cabinet stand, Aqua tech 20-40 x 2, all-glass 100w x2, sponge filter x 2, whisper 30-60 air pump. This is a unique set-up of 2 29s side by side on one stand and hood.
30"x12"x13" (20gallon) $100 glass hood, light, cabinet stand, A/C 50, Hydor 200w
lots of decorative rock 50+/- pieces $1-$50ea
lots of slate 20+/- pieces $1-$10ea
sand - $1
3/4" river rock - 40lbs 4 colors and white specs $1lb
3/8" river rock - 40lbs 4 colors and white specs $1lb
various power heads and pumps $5-$20ea
CPR style over flow boxes x 3 $40small $60large
no pic of pacu - he looks like every other pacu
an old but better pic of Male flowerhorn
no pic of plecos
no pic of oscars
black belt is in 3rd pic above on left
no pic of convicts
this is the daddy of the ice blue zebras
no pic of 125gal $75
100gal $300
110 gal $200
110 gal $200
60 gal $150
60 gal $200
55 gal $35
no pic of 55 gal $25 grey trim
no pic of 55 gal $25 black trim
dual 29 gal $200
20 gal $100
if anyone wants more pics just ask.
My name is Ric
PM is best way to respond
24" TSN $300 hand feed
24" RTC $100
24" spiny eel $200 odd pattern Tire Track hand feed
17" spiny eel $80 odd pattern Tire Track
16" black pacu $50 hand feed
12" Flowerhorm male (duel line ZZ Red dragon) also 2 females $100 all 3
10"-12" common plecos X 6 $10ea
10" red oscar $20
10" tiger oscar $20
10" sengal bicher $10 blind (very cool fish)
9" ornatipinnis bicher $50
9" black belt $50
6" red tail botia $50
3.5" male convicts X 6 $8ea
2" female convicts X 3 $3ea
2"-2.5" ice blue zebra X 50 $5ea 10 or more $4ea
72"x18"x21" (125gallon) $75 tank only cracked back
72"x18"x18" (100gallon) $300 oak hood w/ light, basic stand, A/C 110, stealth 250w
60"x18"x24" (110gallon) $200 oak hood w/ light, basic stand, Emperor 400, penn flex 300w
60"x18"x24" (110gallon) $200 hood w/ light, cabinet stand, A/C 110, stealth 250w
48"x15"x17" (60gallon) $150 oak hood w/ light, no stand, A/C 110, stealth 250w
48"x15"x17" (60gallon) $200 oak hood w/ light, cabinet stand, Aqua tech 30-60, stealth 250w
48"x13"x20" (55gallon) $35 tank only older model thick glass
48"x13"x20" (55gallon) $25 tank only
48"x13"x20" (55gallon) $25 tank only
30"x12"x18" (29gallon) x 2 $200 hood w/ light, cabinet stand, Aqua tech 20-40 x 2, all-glass 100w x2, sponge filter x 2, whisper 30-60 air pump. This is a unique set-up of 2 29s side by side on one stand and hood.
30"x12"x13" (20gallon) $100 glass hood, light, cabinet stand, A/C 50, Hydor 200w
lots of decorative rock 50+/- pieces $1-$50ea
lots of slate 20+/- pieces $1-$10ea
sand - $1
3/4" river rock - 40lbs 4 colors and white specs $1lb
3/8" river rock - 40lbs 4 colors and white specs $1lb
various power heads and pumps $5-$20ea
CPR style over flow boxes x 3 $40small $60large
no pic of pacu - he looks like every other pacu
an old but better pic of Male flowerhorn
no pic of plecos
no pic of oscars
black belt is in 3rd pic above on left
no pic of convicts
this is the daddy of the ice blue zebras
no pic of 125gal $75
100gal $300
110 gal $200
110 gal $200
60 gal $150
60 gal $200
55 gal $35
no pic of 55 gal $25 grey trim
no pic of 55 gal $25 black trim
dual 29 gal $200
20 gal $100
if anyone wants more pics just ask.
My name is Ric
PM is best way to respond