alright, this really is a toughie. opinions will vary greatly on this. we have something in the works for getting some sort of guide up, but it will take a good amount of time before anything solid is produced.
if you want a very rough guide, here's something that i personally go by
comfortable--bigger the better
the important thing to remember is that there isn't yet a definate guideline to go by. you have to be aware that individual species of gars have specific requirements and hence their requirements may differ from a similiar sized gar of another species(eg: a shortnose gar might require lots more space compared to a florida gar of a similiar size due to it's psychotic nature). also, you need to know that even within a single species, the fish has different requirements at different stages of it's life. for instance, with a 6" longnose gar, too large a tank could possibly be harmful to it, whereas with a 24" longnose gar, the more space it's given, the better. th best advice i can currently give is to do lots of reading to get to know the species of gar you intend to keep, and make your own decisions.
that being said, florida gars are pretty forgiving, in that a 5x2x2 would probably serve it well for a long time. hence i would recommend starting there to get the feel of keeping gar before moving on to the tougher species