These guys absolutely despise eachother. The convict just grew all his fins back from the fenestratus ripping them to shreds. Now that Ive set the tanks up like this they spend most of their time eating and fighting through the glass. They are funny. Much safer this way. The fene is just relentless.
Anybody know any an tell-tale signs of sexing a blackbelt? Im having a hard time with this one, but it is still young. Good shots at 1:10 in the video. Its vent looks like an upside U, which confuses me.
Im power-feeding the Blackbelt to get it to a size to defend itself against the fene. If im lucky the BB will be female, then I can create some Pink Belts
Anybody know any an tell-tale signs of sexing a blackbelt? Im having a hard time with this one, but it is still young. Good shots at 1:10 in the video. Its vent looks like an upside U, which confuses me.
Im power-feeding the Blackbelt to get it to a size to defend itself against the fene. If im lucky the BB will be female, then I can create some Pink Belts