So Kendrick Nuttall (nuttall26) contacts me about purchasing a large cichlid from me. I really don't want to ship but he says that he'll take the risk and will pay shipping.
I ask for paypal. He doesn't send it. I call him and remind him again. He says he gonna send it but doesn't. The day of shipping, I call him and remind him again. He says he's in the process of sending it. I have multiple boxes to ship, so I call him on the way to UPS and he says he sending it now.
He, of course, didn't. But I didn't know. At UPS I call him to give him the actual shipping cost and tracking number...and ask him to pay the difference...which he agrees to do...but then doesn't.
The guy seems like a nice guy. We spoke several times. Emailed back and forth. But don't fall for it.
I'm a fool for getting scammed. I was able to catch the box before it shipped out (although I spend my evening waiting for it vs. spending time with my family)...and I've been assured that I'll get the shipping costs back (since it didn't end up shipping). Kudos to UPS for being able to accurately track the package and go out of their way to return it to me!
Fortunately everything worked out in the end. But please, please, please don't do business with this guy. And always, always, always verify that money is in hand before shipping (as I always do...but not this time).
Anyway, don't do business with Kendrick Nuttall (if that's his real name) , nutall26 on MFK, email:
PS The police in his home town said that they'd be dropping by to talk to him. Sounds like they're not a fan of scammers, either.
I ask for paypal. He doesn't send it. I call him and remind him again. He says he gonna send it but doesn't. The day of shipping, I call him and remind him again. He says he's in the process of sending it. I have multiple boxes to ship, so I call him on the way to UPS and he says he sending it now.
He, of course, didn't. But I didn't know. At UPS I call him to give him the actual shipping cost and tracking number...and ask him to pay the difference...which he agrees to do...but then doesn't.
The guy seems like a nice guy. We spoke several times. Emailed back and forth. But don't fall for it.
I'm a fool for getting scammed. I was able to catch the box before it shipped out (although I spend my evening waiting for it vs. spending time with my family)...and I've been assured that I'll get the shipping costs back (since it didn't end up shipping). Kudos to UPS for being able to accurately track the package and go out of their way to return it to me!
Fortunately everything worked out in the end. But please, please, please don't do business with this guy. And always, always, always verify that money is in hand before shipping (as I always do...but not this time).
Anyway, don't do business with Kendrick Nuttall (if that's his real name) , nutall26 on MFK, email:
PS The police in his home town said that they'd be dropping by to talk to him. Sounds like they're not a fan of scammers, either.