My Festae growouts

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Apr 25, 2009
The Grotto
These are the festae i hatched and grew out this group out for myself:headbang2 theres 12-15 of them in a 125. the smallest is just over an inch and the largest is 2.5-2.75". They are very out going and seem to like the camera:) I am really happy how this batch is turning out. i wasnt sure if any of them were even fertilized when the parents were pulled. So here are some of the first pics and video of these growouts. im hoping for at least one pair for myself but i might end up with a few pairs;) i have some other festae growouts of a different bloodline in a separate tank to pair them with.

the temp is about 82, i do 25-30% wc every couple days. im feeding veggie flake, NLS pellets, sprulina soft pellets, hikari gold, massivore, and live black worms. they dont seem to be very picky yet lol.











Hmm looks like I've got to fix a couple videos... I'll fix them after work.
ok seems like the videos are working now... I sent the rest of this batch to Ira, so if any of you picked up from him feel welcome to post on here as well:)
Looking good!

I should probably hold out some for myself and grow them out...its just hard for me to dedicate a tank to a fish I already have...but in the back of my head I know I wont have them forever.
Those look really good man good job...mine are coming along too in a year or so there will be a festae baby boom! Can't give them away! Like beani
I dont know about that...seems like even tho festae have been around for a long time they are still a high demand fish. They are so good looking and well known.
Lol thank you guys:)

Nolagt- if your able to I would try and gro some out. U could always replace a group with a new group from ur pair, so if the worst does happen you'll have a fresh new batch. Or maybe in a couple years sell your pair and start over:)

Thanks freebyrd, there seems to be alot of people with festae and it would seem like there should be a boom next year and I hope so, but as the trend has gone with festae over the last few years, festae will still be sought after and not every one is or has had luck raising festae none the less getting them to spawn. I know with beani lots of people have issues keeping them and if they were cheaper to buy I would get a crap load just to ensure survival and pairing lol. I'm really glad that alot of people have festae and I hope everyone will be successful. Even if the demand drops it will then come down to finding that perfect specimens
nice i ahve been growing mine out for 4 months and are only 2.25'' how fast have yours been growing?
They are growing at a normal pace i think. they were just eggs at end of july and i didnt pull mine from the rest till about 3 months ago, thats when they boosted after being separated and in a larger tank. now they should be ready to take off, im feeding them quiet well now and im adding an xtra water change each week;)