I am so excited right now.
i recently set up a 45 gallon tank and i've been wanting to get discus for a looong time. i decided to get some and i found a private breeder who sold me 5 discus at 1.5 inches for $15. these are leopard snakeskin discus.
im super excited to finally have discus and i also bought some rummynose tetras to go along with them.
Today is the first full day of them being in the tank and my first time feeding them. so far so good, they all ate, although they seem a little shy right now, they'll grow into it. scheduling my first WC for friday, well see how that goes, until then i just wanted to let everyone know of my newest acheivment =) !
a few pics (these are still young and only now are starting to get their colors, more pics later)
i took these pics yesterday after i put them in the tank.
i recently set up a 45 gallon tank and i've been wanting to get discus for a looong time. i decided to get some and i found a private breeder who sold me 5 discus at 1.5 inches for $15. these are leopard snakeskin discus.
im super excited to finally have discus and i also bought some rummynose tetras to go along with them.
Today is the first full day of them being in the tank and my first time feeding them. so far so good, they all ate, although they seem a little shy right now, they'll grow into it. scheduling my first WC for friday, well see how that goes, until then i just wanted to let everyone know of my newest acheivment =) !
a few pics (these are still young and only now are starting to get their colors, more pics later)
i took these pics yesterday after i put them in the tank.