Actually the one on the right is a female, but she's one of the best looking/colored females that I've ever seen. We split the tank so they wouldn't kill each other as we'd read that aside from when they're spawning that they should be kept apart. They would flare at each other and attack the divider some times, so I'm glad we put it in there. Occasionally he would build her a bubble nest on his side and try to woo her, but sadly he passed away two weeks ago.
After he passed away, we bought two more brightly colored females as they can be kept together without beating each other up and we were planning on taking out the divider. However, when we got them home they were so tiny compared to our female and we decided to leave in the divider.
As for a stock list, we just went to the LFS and talked to the staff about light requirements and then picked out the ones we liked. We're using two Zoomed Ultrasun Compact Flourescent Bulbs to light the tank and don't use any special fertilizers/substrate or run CO2 but our plants seem to do just fine. I'm looking through what LiveAquaria has and trying to identify them, but I could be mistaken on a few of them.
1. Micro Sword (Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae)
2. Anacharis (Egeria densa)
3. Chilensis (Sagittaria platyphylla)
4. Dwarf Baby Tears (Hemianthus callitrichoides)
The others I'm not really sure and can't look up right now, but I hope this helps and good luck on your project, keep us updated with pictures.