Well, as most know, I'm elbow deep in my Amazon project...the second in two years. This one is going much better thanks to a far superior staff with a better background for such an undertaking. The budget is much smaller, but the display will be hundreds of times better. The basics: 145,000 tank that is 14' deep, triangle shaped, and a tunnel at the bottom. Currently, the display is a Mississippi River tank loaded with gar. The gar will be moved out to our other native tank (220,000 gallons) mid Feb. We're dosing the display to make sure nothing is in their to contaminate the new fish. We started locating and bringing in fish several months ago. We've got very limited quarantine space, and even less holding space to put stuff in once it has passed the 30 quarantine time. We have a small Amazon display right now that we are loading to the top with fish until we can move them to the new display. At our high point we'll have 12 systems running as quarantine. From the information we have, the exhibit will be the second largest Amazon display in the US and one of the largest in the world. It will be by far the most populated and most diverse. We are shooting for around 1700 animals on display when it's all said and done. Several species of silver dollars, lots of various cichlids, several pacu (bleh), big catfish, stingrays, plecos, arowana, arapaima and others will call this sample of the rich waters of South America home. We have a lot of work ahead still. I'm going to be redoing the decor of the tank to look South American rather than mimic the bottom of the Mississippi River.
Here are some teaser pics for you to enjoy (both of the current tank and the fish awaiting their move in).
Here are some teaser pics for you to enjoy (both of the current tank and the fish awaiting their move in).