Duke's Photos

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Looks good. Goldfish cycle? I always use fishless... \
looks great... let's see more... :D
Ok, It took forever to find this old thread. Cohazard pm'ed me and asked about this tank. The stock is average(so far:naughty:)= 3 common plecos at 8-9", 2 ID Sharks at 13", 3 tiger Oscars at 1 9" 2 11', 1 albino oscar at 10", 1 LMB at 10" and 1 TSN at 17". The filtration is 1 300g fluidized sand, 2 large HOB's, 1 Fluval 305 and a FX5. Lights are 1 office 4 bulb flouresant with walmart grow bulbs 160w, 1 flouresant streetlight at 500w, a 48"striplight at 40w and a 36" at 40w. Picking up bits and pieces as I can afford it. Want MH lights, but time will tell. Any way here's my best pics with a crappy camera.The lid is still a work in progress. Thanks for looking. Any support or criticism would be nice.:)








Your tiger shovelnose looks like a whale shark in the second picture nice tank needs better light.
I use shoplights of 80 watts.
They cost me $9.00 at homedepot.