electric eel

  1. A

    Electric eel blowing circuit breakers

    I have 2 - 6” to 7” electrophorus varii in a shallow tank with a small in-water filter, and have had them about 5 or 6 months. They’re going fantastic, but since they arrived, I have had to replace the filter due to fried motor and have had regular occurrences of a blown breaker for the...
  2. Electrofunk

    Juvenile electric eel not eating

    I received a juvenile electric eel yesterday and I am having trouble getting him to eat when I tried to feed him for the first time today. The fish itself is pretty tiny, maybe 3.5 inches at best. So far I have tried cut up shrimp, and bloodworms. Neither of which it has showed any interest in...
  3. M

    Electric eel

    Hi every one, I am new here and looking to get an electric eel, I've done loads of research in to it and have owned many fish before, however whant to get an idea of the quantity and weight of food to feed at different weights and lengths, would any one mind sharing the quantities they feed...
  4. J

    Baby electric eel ich

    Whats the deal with meds and baby electric eels? I hear salt is a nono and also that they're very sensitive without much specific info. Whats a safe approach here? Dude is only like 3-4".
  5. Jjiang00

    Baby electric eel spitting out food?

    I’ve him for about a week now and have been adding bloodworms/brineshrimp in every night and scooping out uneaten food. Problem is, he seems very interested and eats it only to spit it out 5 seconds later. Everytime he swallows, an air bubble leaves his mouth, he spits the food out as if hes...
  6. Jjiang00

    Want to Buy  Want to buy electric eel

    Anybody know where rod from pred fins get those baby electric eels and if anybody doesn’t want theirs? I’m willing to go up to around 12 inches for one but the smaller the better thanks.
  7. Cowturtle

    My new baby electric eel

    I just got this electric eel a few days ago. He's already eating out of my hand it's by far the most interactive knifefish I've ever had. I'll use this thread to keep track of his growth and post updates I can't seem to find any good information on young electric eels besides people saying...
  8. T

    Electric eel

    Hi looking to purchase a baby electric eel
  9. N

    Reputable Electric Eel (Electrophorus electricus) supplier

    Hello all! I am interested in buying an electric eel, and after some google searching I have found only two sites (aquascape online and aquarium fish sale) that offer them. Does anyone have any experience ordering electric eels or other fish from either of these sites? They are charging...
  10. lisham

    Baby Electric Eel Pooping...

    Here's a video of 1 of my 3 electric eels pooping after eating cut up sharpbelly minnow... I feed them twice a day and their bellies are always rounded... This one is the biggest at 6". The other two are about 5" and 4"... They're kept separate just in case the bigger one decides to play...