hillstream loach

  1. S

    Are the baby golden nugget plecos?

    I have a 270g stocked tank I inherited when we bought our house. I have almost no knowledge about most of it. Well today in the sump/wet dry (which has a serious snail issue, so i never look closely), i found a lot of these little fish. I am leaning toward them being hillstream loaches since I...
  2. TheMoneyTank(TMT)

    45 gallon hillstream biotope

    Setting up a fast flow 200litre aquarium with a 2200Lph internal filter and stocked with the following X5 panda loaches X5 reticulated hillstream loaches X5 zebra Danios X5 pearl Danios X5 Leopard Danios X5 white cloud mountain minnows X3 sumo loach Any other fast flowing fish I could add...