rope fish

  1. H

    Ropefish Only Eating Bloodworms

    Hey y’all! I know they’re not polypterus but this is the closest forum I found. I’ve had two young ropefish in a 55g community tank for about a month. I made the mistake of feeding them primarily frozen bloodworms with some frozen brine shrimp for most of this time. After further reading I...
  2. U

    Compatibility questions + please help identify + Bala Shark in 70Gal?

    Hello, I have an ***h0le blue texas (25cm) and a common pleco(30cm) in a 45gal (obviously a nano tank for this fish, I know, please don't trow rocks at me, I water change religiously) with a bunch of snaks (guppies). I'm buying a 70 galon this weekend as an upgrade. The problem is , there...
  3. J

    Help with rope fish!

    I got 2 12" rope fish less than a week ago. Everything was going well until this morning when I woke up and one of my rope fish was severely hurt. After doing research the only thing I can think is my pleco did this to him during the night since they both have been hanging out together. I'm...
  4. A

    Rope fish dying? Please help

    I have had a tank my entire life. I started with a 75 gallon that was maintained by my mother for 20+ years. I had it for 10 years before selling it and upgrading to a 200 gallon about 6 months ago. About 3 weeks ago I got 2 rope fish. 1 got out and was eaten by my cat on the 3rd day. I got...
  5. A

    Rope fish dying?

    I have had a tank my entire life. I started with a 75 gallon that was maintained by my mother for 20+ years. I had it for 10 years before selling it and upgrading to a 200 gallon about 6 months ago. About 3 weeks ago I got 2 rope fish. 1 got out and was eaten by my cat on the 3rd day. I got...
  6. AquaScape

    Africa Shipment In!!

    Got our African shipment in today!! 2" Tetraodon miurus (red) (congo puffer) - $65.oo Ea. 2.75"-3" Aba Aba Knifefish -$30.oo Ea. 5"-6" Vittatus Tigerfish -$225.oo Ea. 7"-8" Polypterus palmus polli -$125.oo 8"-10" Rope(Reed)...
  7. P

    Ich on rope fish??

    Today I noticed white spots on my smaller rope fish. It’s only on his head and I’ve had them about a month in a tank with my cichlids. I’m not sure if it’s ich but I want to jump on it before my other rope fish gets it. The one with it is Slinky and he’s the one on the bottom
  8. B

    ABF with UpperJaws

    Does anyone have experience keeping African Butterfly Fish with smaller uppers like Retropinnis, Mokele-mbembe and either a Polli/Dehlezi/Palmas/Senegalus? There will also be an African knife and 3 ropes and a few other 6" Middle/top swimmers. It will be in a 150 paludarium with around 20" of...
  9. O

    Baby monster fish

    Hi I am new to the site but have a nice 75 gallon setup with some baby monster fish. It has a glass bottom with rocks and lots of places to hide and my fish so far are, 2 rope fish, 2 fire eels, one goby dragon, a zig zag eel, a clown knife fish, a peacock eel, a spiny eel, a dinosaur bichir 7...
  10. C

    Ropefish and Bichirs

    Need help. Just purchased some ropefish a few days ago. Two have died. 3 are left. I have two canister filters, each rated for 100 gallons, filtering the tank. Biological media, carbon, and plent of mechanical filtration in both. Have done a lot of water changes to combat the fact that I added 5...
  11. F

    Rope fish feeding?

    Hey, so I've had a rope fish for about 3 weeks now. He's in a 39 gallon tank with the following: 4 Angel fish 2 Blue Rainbows 2 Electric Blue Rams 2 African Butterflies 2 Green Cory Cats 2 Assassin Snails 1 Bristlenose Pleco and 10 Diamond Tetras And then the ropefish itself. Now everyones...