Beef heart


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
My experience with snakes is all out of date; haven't kept them for almost 20 years. Back in the day, my "power-feeding" buddies always used rats if a snake were big enough to eat them, because it was easier to keep the snakes stuffed to the gills that way; an adult rat is at least 10 or more times the weight of an adult mouse. If you tried to get the same amount of bulk into a snake by feeding mice, the snake would often lost interest after the first 5 or 6 and stop feeding; whereas when you offered a rat, once he starts it he will finish it.

Just my opinion, not stating it as a proven fact...but I am convinced that snakes grow faster on rats just because they are eating more, not because rats are better on a "per-pound" basis. Growing at max speed doesn't equate with being healthiest, either.

I can't believe that people are still using Beef Heart to feed fish; I was reading about the negative aspects of this 30 years ago. Not at all natural, or what the fish have evolved to utilize.

I had a Red-tail Cat way back when who managed to ingest suction cups, odd rocks, plastic plant pieces; it became a challenge to "child-proof" his aquarium to protect him from his own appetite. I wonder...maybe I should have just included those items in his diet as "treats"...?


MFK Member
May 17, 2007
Polska Sila
Me and my cousin purchased King snakes the same day, same clutch. I fed mice, he fed rat pinkies.. His had a foot on mine in a few months.
I'm no scientist, I dont know why, but thats what happened.
I never feed beef heart.
I like to feed fish and rat pinkies to my Rhoms.
I've had Very good growth rate. I'm not going to produce growth rate charts either hahahaha

Cal Amari

MFK Member
Mar 9, 2023
This same question has been posed several times under different foods, it always comes out the same, will they eat it? sure. Should they? probably won't kill them but there's healthier options. they're your fish feed whatever you'd like, if you're asking for adivce, it's been given and supported.
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