Jack Dempsey and Carpintis growth rates


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 29, 2008
so they grow pretty much the same huh? ok, thanx, i tryed posting this on cichlidforum and the guy keeps telling me it depends completely on the individual fish, which is true, but there has to be a common ground, they arent all completely different.

thank you for the straight up answer, i know to post any questions here from now on.


MFK Member
Jun 21, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Neither grows faster… it depends on the fish…

Same answer as last time Einstein.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 29, 2008
im not interested in your answer buddy, instead of saying it completely depends on the fish, you could have said they usually have about the same growth rate, as Cichlaholics anonymous posted. instead, you tell me that it completely depends on the fish, that doesnt help me, they have to have an on average growth rate, like midas and an inch a month for example, that is the kind of answer i was looking for.

i dont understand why i get attitude from you, i dont from any buddy else, i guess you just need to pull the stick out of your ass...

funny, this all started because i didnt clarify that fish like Rose Queens and Rainbow Kings arent technically classified flowerhorns, you sure get pissed off easy.

just to let you know, i have been lmao everytime i read your posts towards me, funniest thing watching people get mad because someone made a mistake in the answer they gave, especially a mistake that isnt a vital life or death mistake in the fish. your pathetic, you really had me believing that you were a decent, understanding person, wow, you fouled me good, instead, you are the opposite of that, you get mad when i make a mistake, then you tell me all my answers are different (on cichlidforum for those following this) yet, everytime i give you a "definition" on flowerhorns, it was the same in general, a mix of multiple CA cichlids bred to result in a show piece cichlid with high aggression. what kind of definition are you looking for?

like i said on cichlidforum, how do you define a name? please define Salvini for me.


MFK Member
Jun 21, 2007
Charlotte, NC
your youth is showing in your immaturity Gage... enjoy your night...


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 29, 2008
how? im trying to be a nice guy about this, i give you an answer, you reject it, thats your problem, im done with this convo, you have nothing better to go against so you bring up my age...wow...

and saying "Same answer as last time" is such a "mature" thing to say, ok man, whatever you say :)


MFK Member
Jun 21, 2007
Charlotte, NC
They have about the same growth rate... therefore it depends on this individual fish as to which grows faster...

I've given you the same answer every time...

I wish you could have such consistency in your answers...

I mocked your immaturity, not age, because in one post your saying that this is driving you insane... then you say you’re laughing at me being mad... Not once in any of the threads mentioned have I shown frustration or anger. I've simply given you consistent questions and consistent answers... and pointed out the inconsistency in your answers and asked for a better one... or for you to admit you don't know and just drop it...

But so far no luck on either…


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 29, 2008
They have about the same growth rate...
thank you for finally just saying they have about the same growth rate, thats all i wanted, took you long enough to figure it out.

i have already admitted i dont know every detail of the definition of the flowerhorn, because it is very complex, i gave you a general definition of what a flowerhorn is, take it or leave it, i really dont care.

i am getting kind of sick of you, i try and give you a general answer and you mock it, i dont really understand why you are mocking my answers i try and give, are you trying to prove something or is that just the way you are?

ive given you a consistant answer, all 3 times i answered it was the same answer, is that not consistent enough for you?it was even based off facts, made of multiple different cichlids, bred for color and nuchal hump. all are facts, and these are what i tell you each time i post, so telling me i should be consistent is incorrect.

i didnt want this to happen, thats what i get for trying to help i suppose...

mods, can you please close this thread, ive gotten my answer :D

btw, Toby, you still havent given me an answer about what the definition of a Salvini is.


MFK Member
Jun 21, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Gage;2226602; said:
thank you for finally just saying they have about the same growth rate, thats all i wanted, took you long enough to figure it out.
This is from my first post in this thread…

nc_nutcase;2226078; said:
Neither grows faster… it depends on the fish…
This is from my first post in response to the same question on the other forum

I think if we are discussing a top quality grow out from a strong pair… both species grow about the same…
Slow down and read dude…