Red tail catfish not eating


Feeder Fish
May 16, 2014
Hello first time here , have recently brought a red tail catfish that is curently around 8 inches long and 4 months old I have had him 4 days and in that time I cannot get him to eat , I currently have him in a 200 litre tank but have plans to get a larger tank when required my water tests have shown nitrate to be 90ppm nitrite is at zero ph 7.2 and ammonia 0.25 , is this normal for them not to eat ? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
thanks in advance


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jul 3, 2010
New Hampshire
Catfish can be stubborn after a move, I wouldnt worry yet. Your nitrate are a bit high, might want to do a wc or 2 to get it down and the ammonia is likely a mini cycle from adding a big messy fish. Be sure to remove food if he doesnt eat it right away but keep offering food every day. What are you trying to feed and do you know what he was eating before?


MFK Member
Nov 12, 2008
Manteca, California
A few days is no big deal. Offer food once every few days until he starts eating and if he's healthy it won't take long.

90ppm nitrate is pretty high and will only go up once the fish starts eating and growing unless you start doing more WCs, upgrade the tank, or reduce the bioload by removing fish and feeding less.

200L is on the small side for an 8" fish. Be prepared for a massive upgrade or rapid series of smaller upgrades. My cats(TSN, RTC, Hybrid, Niger) are going to be due for an upgrade from my 8x4' 450G in the very near future and it's only been a bit over a year since I upgraded from a 120G.


Feeder Fish
May 16, 2014
Thanks for your input we were told he was fed on blood worms so that's what we have tried along with pellet and cockles he seems fine within his self swimming around at night but just turns his nose up at all food , appreciate will need a bigger tank fairly quick the tank we got him from in the shop was half the size of mine so don't think it's the size at the moment that's stressing him , any suggestions on foods that he will love ?


MFK Member
Jan 31, 2012
center of the universe
Thanks for your input we were told he was fed on blood worms so that's what we have tried along with pellet and cockles he seems fine within his self swimming around at night but just turns his nose up at all food , appreciate will need a bigger tank fairly quick the tank we got him from in the shop was half the size of mine so don't think it's the size at the moment that's stressing him , any suggestions on foods that he will love ?
Try shrimp (without the shell, I usually buy a bunch and freeze them) and meaty white fish like tilapia. Many catfish like this will take pellets, and you should try to get them eating something high quality.


Senior Curator
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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
Hello first time here , have recently brought a red tail catfish that is curently around 8 inches long and 4 months old I have had him 4 days and in that time I cannot get him to eat , I currently have him in a 200 litre tank but have plans to get a larger tank when required my water tests have shown nitrate to be 90ppm nitrite is at zero ph 7.2 and ammonia 0.25 , is this normal for them not to eat ? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
thanks in advance
Glad things have started to work out. At these parameters, he won't live for long. Few fish will. Nitrates should be 20 ppm or less and ammonia at zero ppm by a reliable test kit, such as API liquid Master test kit.

big cat

MFK Member
Feb 12, 2012
No worries , you can rise you tank temperature to 85f and have some feeder gold fish in the tank , he will hunt by him self . The best option for those catfish is bring feeder and let them hunt by them self

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MFK Member
May 24, 2011
Kent UK
no mate, feeders carry virus'... feeders are a bad choice, a high quality pellet is the best option like hikari massivore but quite pricey... frozen seafood and white fish are ok... sorry to be blunt but 90ppm nitrate is pretty much animal cruelty, its basically swimming in its own feaces... you need to change half the water every day with tap safe added and start searching for a massive 1000 gallon/ 3500 litre plus home for him, if well cared for they will hit 2ft in one year.... dont think you realise what you have taken on here. either that or sell it before you cant get rid of it for love or money at 18 inch 2ft, if you have plans and know exactly what you have bitten off im sorry.

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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
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