Sexing SA/CA Cichlids......(can I have a "Sticky/Pinned"?)

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Frank Castle

MFK Member
Jan 10, 2016
Ok, so the ones I know are obviously Midas, Red Devil, Green Terror, Flowerhorn, Red-headed, some Earth-eaters and the other species that get that big Nuchal hump in the males and longer trailing dorsal and anal fins.

Jaguars, I always looked for a concave stomach in males, even on a full belly and females have a big bulging football-shaped belly.

Male convicts have no red and the females do, and males sometimes get a hump.

One of the Jack Dempseys supposedly has a "triangle" of spots under the eye on the gill plate, but IDK how accurate and which sex gets it, IIRC, the females do.

Female Blue Acaras aren't blue at all but rather drab brownish, tan and like colors, unless I'm totally mistaken.

I'm looking for help sexing Firemouths, Texas, Pearl-scaled/Lowland, and Bolivian Rams.

Any takers???
I think it is a great Idea... I think if we get a good response and can format it proper i think it can be very useful.... so I will contribute..

Cichlasoma (or Amphilophus?) Festae - Red Terror

These are fairly easy when adult- as the Females will show a red coloration and more striping then the male- which is usually a golden color- below is my pair to show the difference

I think it is a great Idea... I think if we get a good response and can format it proper i think it can be very useful.... so I will contribute..

Cichlasoma (or Amphilophus?) Festae - Red Terror

These are fairly easy when adult- as the Females will show a red coloration and more striping then the male- which is usually a golden color- below is my pair to show the difference

View attachment 1159482

The females are the BRIGHTLY colored ones???!! That's total bass-ackwards Darwinism, but I can definitely see a nuchal hump on the one in front. Supposedly the same goes for Bolivian Rams, but I haven't had anyone verify it just doesn't make sense, the males are supposed to be brightly colored to lure predators away from the nesting females in almost every species on Earth. I'm at loss for words.

Edit: Is she wild-caught?
The females are the BRIGHTLY colored ones???!! That's total bass-ackwards Darwinism, but I can definitely see a nuchal hump on the one in front. Supposedly the same goes for Bolivian Rams, but I haven't had anyone verify it just doesn't make sense, the males are supposed to be brightly colored to lure predators away from the nesting females in almost every species on Earth. I'm at loss for words.

Edit: Is she wild-caught?
HAHA- yea one of the few that are reversed... yes she is wild he is domestic... Let's see if we can get some other people to contribute.. Oddball Oddball Aquanero Aquanero robmcd robmcd duanes duanes peathenster peathenster D Discus Origins RussWhite47 RussWhite47
HAHA- yea one of the few that are reversed... yes she is wild he is domestic... Let's see if we can get some other people to contribute.. Oddball Oddball Aquanero Aquanero robmcd robmcd duanes duanes peathenster peathenster D Discus Origins RussWhite47 RussWhite47

You're a lucky man LOL, she's a total stunner, Dude. :)

How much does a pair like that run, or even just a WC female?
You're a lucky man LOL, she's a total stunner, Dude. :)

How much does a pair like that run, or even just a WC female?
I am really lucky because they are fairly accommodating to tank mates too- which is not usual for festae

As far as price no clue... the male I raised from an inch and the female i think i paid 50 for at 4 inches (she is 8 now)

mrrobxc mrrobxc Freshwaterpredators Freshwaterpredators
midas and red devils aren't too obvious. I've seen more than a few midas females with nuchal humps. and since red devils and midas are usually midevils, males sometimes don't grow nuchal humps.
its a real toss up with with those guys.
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midas and red devils aren't too obvious. I've seen more than a few midas females with nuchal humps. and since red devils and midas are usually midevils, males sometimes don't grow nuchal humps.
its a real toss up with with those guys.

I never heard of a Midevil, but common sense tells me it's Amphilophus labiatusXcitrinellus.....
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yeah. its what you find in most pet stores. fish labeled "red devil" or "midas" are usually midevils.
yeah. its what you find in most pet stores. fish labeled "red devil" or "midas" are usually midevils.

IDK about the one I have now, but I HAD a pure white Midas male (yes, 100% solid white!) and a red, red, RED Red devil female a few years back.....I couldn't see them being crossed with anything.....but there are definitely some orange and mottled specimens of either species I've seen that I can't tell which is which.