I started this several months ago just as an experiment with a 1 gallon apothecary jar, but have since upgraded to a 2 gallon. It is filtered only by the plants. Some of the plants didn't do very well when I moved back from college, but they are starting to come back now.
The plants are an isoetes in the center with some moss, some chain sword, and what I believe is bladderwort (hitchhiker from the isoetes)
Stock is 4 cherry shrimp (two are currently berried) and 3 MTS (which have reproduced, as the tiny MTS grow, they will be removed). There are also countless copepods and probably other tiny inverts as well.
The plants are an isoetes in the center with some moss, some chain sword, and what I believe is bladderwort (hitchhiker from the isoetes)
Stock is 4 cherry shrimp (two are currently berried) and 3 MTS (which have reproduced, as the tiny MTS grow, they will be removed). There are also countless copepods and probably other tiny inverts as well.