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St Isabel Red Altum Angelfish


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Hello you all. I just wanted to share my group of St Isabel Red Altums that I just picked up. I have never tried these before and since they are pretty hard to get and come by I had to pull the trigger. In the past I've kept Altums before which they were harder to care for and more time consuming. The St Isabels that I've just picked up eats like pigs and a lot less care and work. These fish are still small at 3' but shows great potential when they get bigger and I hope to breed them. Well everyone enjoy and I'll try and keep my post updated while these guys grow.







Beautiful fish. Just to be clear, they are Pterophyllum scalare colected near Santa Isabel on the Rio Negro. While they are IMO one of the most beautiful races of scalare they are not Pterophyllum altum. I want to clear this up for other members that may not be aware of the difference. If they are being sold as or promoted as Altum this is a marketing ploy and false information.
Beautiful fish. Just to be clear, they are Pterophyllum scalare colected near Santa Isabel on the Rio Negro. While they are IMO one of the most beautiful races of scalare they are not Pterophyllum altum. I want to clear this up for other members that may not be aware of the difference. If they are being sold as or promoted as Altum this is a marketing ploy and false information.

Thank you Aquanero and correct for those who are not aware these are not real Altums but Scalares. I've only seen pictures of SI on the internet and through vendors post but to get my hands on these and to pick them myself was a blessing. I have had these SI for a week and the care for these fish are less maintanece then to when I kept AA.
They are very hardy, pretty much like any other scalare. I had a wild adult group that came in with decent red on the back, but the color faded and didn't really come back. they were the biggest scalare I kept though.
Nice angels! Goodluck on them.
Here is an updated photos of my St Isabels. It has been more that 6 months from my last post. If you're think the smaller angels are off springs I am happy to tell you theu are group of WC Altums that are being raised in the same tank as them. Enjoy and I will keep these guys updated.