Tree Octopus load warning, lots of pics


MFK Member
Aug 4, 2008
State of chaos
The Latest: Why are Sasquatch allowed to gather Tree Octopuses if the octopuses are endangered? No one allows a Sasquatch to do anything; they just do it.
Sasquatch have been gathering Tree Octopuses since before Humans settled in their habitats. They form a symbiotic relationship. We value our limbs and don't question this.
What percentage of profit from Tree Octopus products sold on this site goes to support protecting the species? None.
Tree Octopuses don't need your money. They need your love and willingness to write angry letters to the editor demanding action.
Regardless, I would like to donate money to help the Tree Octopus. How can I do this? If you must give money to ease your conscience, donations to help the Tree Octopus should be given directly to the Tree Octopuses. Here is how to donate: Travel to the Olympic Peninsula (ask your parents first). Stand in the Tree Octopuses' forest near a tree and hold out a dollar bill. If you stand still enough, eventually a Tree Octopus will come by on a branch, reach out, and take the bill with her suckers. She will continue to return for more bills as long as you hold them out, so bring lots of singles. She will use them to line her den in the trees, as the bills will soak up rain water and keep her skin moist. Given the current value of the dollar, this is the most cost effective way to help.
Please note: don't give them coins. While they are attracted to shiny objects and will gladly take coins, the toxic metals in coins (especially nickel) can easily absorb into their skin and poison them. Paper money, checks, stock certificates, coupons, etc. are preferable and make better nesting material.


MFK Member
Aug 4, 2008
State of chaos
Oh, yeah, now I'm REALLY convinced.

"Here are a few things that you can do to help save the Pacific Northwest tree octopus:

Posters motivate the citizenry to action! Post them!
  • Write your representatives to let them know that you are concerned and that you feel the tree octopus should be included on the Endangered Species List and given special protection.
  • Help build awareness of the tree octopus by telling your friends and co-workers.
  • Place a tentacle ribbon on your website.
  • Participate in tree octopus awareness marches. You can demonstrate their plight during the march by having your friends dress up as tree octopuses while you attack them in a lumber jack costume.
  • Pamphlet your neighborhood. Tentacle ribbons make excellent doorknob hangers.
  • Join and donate to an organization committed to conservation, such as Greenpeas.
  • Boycott companies that use non-tree-octopus-safe wood harvesting practices.
  • Sign an online petition! Nothing activates activity like an Internet petition."


" I got monkeys in me! "
MFK Member
Feb 28, 2006
i have to admit. a terrestrial octopus would be an awesome pet.