
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jul 1, 2008
Marion, NC
I lost my little fire eel today in my 75 and after my bocourti cleaned out most of the loachs before u moved her to the 75. Now I'm debating on just getting a trimac and calling it quits in the 75. I'm just contemplating a wet pet and why not a trimac and I'm guessing they grow pretty fast. Any suggestions out there?

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fed him tilapia filet, massivore (which was for my aro but he ate anyway) and hikari floating pellets. Usual WC.. 30% a week
I have a place I normally deal with here in florida to get one or two. I'm thinking of getting two to make sure to get a male.
Trimacs are fabulous, males or females


How early is it to tell the difference between male/female on them? He will be going into the 75 and I know 2 will be to much for it and I want to make sure I can grow them out to the size to tell the difference before I have to part with one.