Whose the father/mother?

Jake g

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 10, 2023
So I just found these eggs, with my green terror. I thought lt since it had an orange colored tail it was male?. And I thought my EBA were male also?
I know some eggs are not fertilized but the others are they good?
(Tank is colored due to tannins and debris was from feeding time just minutes before)





MFK Member
Nov 13, 2023
Male EBA have elongated top and bottom pectoral fins. But the main diff when you have a pair color wise the male is lighter colored. Almost silver blue. The female is black blue, and has almost a black band that is horizontal between her eyes. When laying eggs you can see there tubes fully extended. That should tell you who laid them. Id have to google green terrors as those are very old school fish and haven't seen them in ages. If you have more than one EBA you would know if breeding pair. They tend to stick together when breeding. Female doing most of the work, she will call in male every so often to take over but will end up doing 90 per of work.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Dec 4, 2017
EBA and green terrors can hybridize successfully, they are both in the same genus (andinoacara).

To me the eba looks male based on the vent shape. GT looks female. Both sexes in gts will have orange on their fins, especially trade strain ones bred to have more of it.

There is also the chance that your original assumption was the other way around, there is also always the chance that two females will lay eggs with eachother if they can't reabsorb them or lay them with a male, but again I think your eba is a male.

Jake g

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 10, 2023
EBA and green terrors can hybridize successfully, they are both in the same genus (andinoacara).

To me the eba looks male based on the vent shape. GT looks female. Both sexes in gts will have orange on their fins, especially trade strain ones bred to have more of it.

There is also the chance that your original assumption was the other way around, there is also always the chance that two females will lay eggs with eachother if they can't reabsorb them or lay them with a male, but again I think your eba is a male.
Ok cool, well the eggs all turned white and the GT started eating them. But the EBA is staying close by now so. I guess I will see what happens nexts

TY all!

Jake g

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 10, 2023
I went to the store in hope to get a male GT. The guy said it was and it was a good deal so I just bought it in hopes. I put it in my plant tank for now. It’s a little bit smaller and didn’t want to risk it with the other fish. My plan is if it is male I have a 40gallon breeder set up as a QT tank that I’ll put both of them in until breeding is done and raise the fry in that. My question is is this a male? Went for the brights most colorful one at the shop.image.jpg