Fluval substrate


MFK Member
Nov 10, 2021
Pretty decent substrate; certainly not cheap, though. I can get most plants to take root in the stuff with decent lighting and some ferts, but it's so light that I often have to weigh down the plant with rocks or wood until it gets a proper hold. I do think aquavitro aquasolum was a bit better at growing plants, but for the price Fluval Stratum's probably the best aquasoil available.
Like most aquasoils, it tends to release a lot of "dust"/fine mud-like dirt when first put in a tank, but it settles down in 2-3 days and shouldn't be an issue. Also lowers the pH of the tank somewhat, though the degree to which it takes affect would depend on your hardness and KH.
Cichlids that like to overturn the soil will probably cause a bit of a mess and break down the individual "balls" over time.
Because it's pretty much compacted soil, I wouldn't mess with it too much, as it'll break apart fairly easily with pressure (like most aquasoils).
Good luck!