Live Fish As Food - Nutritional Value & Concerns


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 26, 2006
East coast, halfway up.. Australia
I have been substituting garden snails into my octopuses weekly feeds of prawns, crabs and fish.
Crabs seem to give best growth of all.

Mozzie wrigglers make most baby fish charge too... if you can find enough.

Isn't feeding saltwater feeders to freshwater fish and freshwater feeders to saltwater fish going to be useful in controling possible parasites in the feeder finding the host suitable?
What a mouthful.

I breed mollies to cycle marine tanks and I recon they are great feeders too! Nice colours and they actually survive. Goldfish are filthy animals, their filters stink and people feed them crap food.
mollies are lots nicer and I can breed them by the thousands.... (yea I know, not really that hard)


Small Squiggly Thing
Apr 15, 2005
confused, lost, and lonely
I prefer moolies as feeders rather than goldfih or rosies, but unless you raise your own or know a breeder they are more expensive.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 28, 2006
over in the good old u.k. feeder fish are frowned on not just for the nutritional reasons but also for ethical reasons.
but if you have a predatory fish sometimes it's the only way. E.g. Congo puffers & Stanley pool puffer when first imported are best fed on live to settle them in. Once aclimatised though, they soon learn to love the frozen food!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 28, 2006
lion fish are scary , my mother has been stung by one, and it looked really painful, he hunted her hand ( ahhhh)

my needle nose gar will only eat a real live fish that he has had time to hunt for as long as an hour sometimes. He floats near the plants acting like a stick until ,, wham he eats the fish.He would die if I did not feed him.

If you keep predatory fish it is cruel an unusual to deny them of there instincts .
This is my opinion,, You cannot buy a snake and expect him to catch or eat a rat/mouse in a small unatural environment. This my friend, is wrong. The rat is domesticated just like a dog,
and he has no chance to escape. He might realize this and try to kill the snake by eating out his eyeballs. I have a picture but do not know how to post it on here. So if your going to try to keep a snake you should probably feed him frozen rats so this doesnt happen.
I worked at petco and can tell you , for sure there mice , rats , fish and every creature they sell are malnurished, neglected and deseased. With the exception (maybe) of there frozen feeders. I know that the frozen foods were left out and defrosted sometimes due to human error or not enough time to do our jobs properly. A bag full of frozen rats smells like death.
And yes we stuck them in the freezer and tried to sell them, most refroze into a giant ratcicle and we were unable to sell it . hehe

Now for feeding your fish, try frozen if you wish but I believe it is best to feed them live food. Even though this makes me very sad, I make myself. You have to look at it like this,,'it is your job to feed your fish what they want not what you want or your inner wimp tells you is o.k.-- just make sure the fish is small enuf to get swallowed whole and not so big that it gets picked apart- this dirties your tank, and might mean your crazy .
-Are silversides easy to breed? I heard a breeding pair of clownfish make lots of fry. My goal is to only feed my fish, fish I raise/breed. We humans are awful I tell ya, Taking fish from a free roaming lake/steam/ocean,ect. and trying to trick them to eat a dead thing by wiggling it,or starving them into eating flakes or pellets. We are not God , but we try to be


Staff member
MFK Member
Apr 27, 2005
Welcome to MFK!!! Nice post. But, wrong forum. I didn't post this material with the intent of discussing the ethics of feeding live foods to our pets. This thread concerns the nutritional value of those foods. If you wish to open a debate about the ethics of providing live foods to our pets (been done several times already), then I suggest you start your own thread instead of derailing mine.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 28, 2006
Im so sorry , I didnt mean to make you mad, im sorry , im sorry , im sorry!!!!!
Maybe someone can delete it. But you are very smart and its hard for people like me to understand, so after reading all the posts all I could think about is all that stuff I said. I didnt think about the original post. My mind wandered off the subject . Again im so very very very sorry.
I do believe we should try to replicate nature when feeding our fish, but yes nutritional value and optimal growth/health is most important..
Im sorry im such an idiot! Forgive me for derailing your thread.


MFK Member
Aug 7, 2005
mothernature said:
Im so sorry , I didnt mean to make you mad, im sorry , im sorry , im sorry!!!!!
Maybe someone can delete it. But you are very smart and its hard for people like me to understand, so after reading all the posts all I could think about is all that stuff I said. I didnt think about the original post. My mind wandered off the subject . Again im so very very very sorry.
I do believe we should try to replicate nature when feeding our fish, but yes nutritional value and optimal growth/health is most important..
Im sorry im such an idiot! Forgive me for derailing your thread.
You're stating your oppinion, its cool....oddball is a cool cat and im sure he isnt too upset with you, just telling you that this thread isnt the place for a debate. Thats why he didnt debate with you;)( I'm guessing) Dont get scared off. generally people here arent rude, as you can see. You dont have to be afraid to say what you're thinking:)

Welcome to MFK!!


Staff member
MFK Member
Apr 27, 2005
Don't get me wrong. I'm not mad by your post. I'm just trying to keep an informational thread on topic since derails can sometimes throw a thread completely off its original intent. And, when it comes to ethics in any fashion, the fur can really fly to the point the original topic is long forgotten.