Alright, a couple updates.
Update number one: Extreme financial crises due to the university changing the way they pay their staff. Fortunately, I think that I have the new system figured out, and I should start getting paid the next two weeks. Lets hope that they make it rain with some of the cash they owe me from when the system was down.
Update number two: Last weekend I hit 0, chaeto, purigen...who knows? The thing that kinda stinks about that now I dont know what I have to keep doing. I am cutting the chaeto I think...especially if it starts to die off, which I am assuming it will. My 200ml of purigen doesnt seem to be moving much, and completely blocks the reactor. So I need a mag 12 or so to get some good flow through those suckers.
Number Three: Going to try to buy either two mp40's or two mp60's to replace the koralias...I need the more diffuse flow, and I also need the space, those things are huge in my tank. Hoping to also grab two mag 18' to get my flow up to the 1200 return rate I should have to match the overflow, and another to overdrive this EV400 skimmer.
Number Four: LASTLY...another DIY project.
Some of you might be familiar with the "SeaSwirl"
Now the question do I DIY one of these...cant be two hard...I can make it sit on the edge of the tank, and get build the barb...I plan on using flow accelerators for the outflows. I want two outflows, and I need the 1200gph that my new pump should be putting out.
If anyone has any ideas how I could get this thing to rotate 90* so I can put one in either corner...that would be sweet. I am DIY'ing one of these if it kills me.
Hope that is enough to spark some conversation up again, cheers, Fleshy