Amazing thread! I live in maine and currently have a Tiger shovelnose (Name: Thanksgiving size: round 1') a red tailed cat (Name: JoJo size: 4") and am trying to get two more monsters. we are taking out a wall in the living room to built a custom 600gal this winter because Thanksgiving will outgrow his tank by then. and next winter the entire basement is going to be a pond. What started as my husbands hobby is now the love of my life. Any sugestions for a nonagressive pretty cat that will get along with my fish kids? Starting size doesnt matter as we also have a 20gal, 30gal, and the 55gal that Thanksgiving lives in (tsnc). The profiles on fish were incredibly helpful, but very little mention of compatibility which is important for us because we only bought poor JoJo (rtc) because the petstore had him in with some agressive ciclids that had chewed off most of his dorsal and tail.